By Creepy Myles Bonnar: The Man-Child Who Made A Flop BBC Documentary Defaming Dating Coaches In Order To Kick-Start His Failed Career As A Reporter
Addy Agame Proven Innocent, Beats False Allegations Due To Miscarriage Of Justice / No Actual Crime!
Myles Bonnar Exposed
Picture the scene. A 31 year old nobody sniffing around the outskirts of the BBC (not the UK-wide BBC, not even the amateurs at BBC Scotland, but eh, BBC The Social); living a sad cowardly existence with a lack of funds, no attractive female companions, a warped set of social justice / slimy journalism values and a failed career that never started. This is the life of Myles Bonnar – an angry irresponsible little man, angry simply because he’s a total loser in life! Hence why he is a passive-aggressive lizard. Myles has the physical frame of a camp teenager; no muscular definition, with a belly pouch (skinny fat guy) and no masculine swagger whatsoever.
His loser demeanour, toxic personality and ugly looks equates to no woman finding him attractive, though this toxic little turd thinks he deserves more from life like most man-children do. Creepy Myles resents beautiful women because they don’t want him and more so Myles resents men who are able to bed them more, as it exposes Bonnar’s lack of masculinity to a heightened level. Minion Myles mixes his confused spoiled brat feelings with his white privilege Scottish upbringing and is even more enraged with men of different ethnicities who are successful at dating the women he so desperately wants and cannot get, especially if those women happen to be white.
Beta-male racist Myles has a boner for hurting other men who are superior to him. He’s too much of a coward to confront them physically, so slimy Myles resorts to dysfunctional effeminate weasel tactics of shaming, whining, lying, spreading bitter rumours and online defamation. Myles Bonnar is a disgusting, insecure, low self-esteem, transparent seedy worm. We could resort to the same loser tactics as Myles and say things like; “Myles Bonnar sucks the tiny p*nises of random farm animals,” or “Myles Bonnar looks like a police ID computer has crashed and given him the features of every major p*do of our generation,” but we’re not going to do that. Mucus Myles Bonnar does enough damage to himself by just existing. How much of a coward are you Myles that another man’s wrongful downfall is your only claim to fame.
Myles, your only unreliable source for pursuing this stupidity was an elderly drug abuser (Rita Bruce), everyone else in the media ignored the chubby addicts bullsh*t, as did the police. But mud-slinging coward Myles had the motivation of fame (again angry beta-male with failed career) to find a target to burn in the public sphere to make a name for himself. Myles you reek of desperation and creepiness; you yucky, sickening little man.
Monotonous Myles even got the chance to be on TV (pathetic BBC shows like “The Nine” and “Victoria Derbyshire”) and radio, like an upcoming desperado trying to sell something (his flop-umentary – The Seduction Game, which flopped down south and didn’t catch fire, despite Myles’ sad back-breaking wasted efforts). Brain-dead Bonnar came across as a glory-hunting, fake-ass virtue-signalling brown-nosing weirdo. Face it Myles, your career is still a fail, you are still a failure and no matter what social justice hate bullsh*t you regurgitate from your mainstream marketing robotic value system – you’re never going to get anywhere. Friend-zone lap-dog Bonnar even got to hang around with some semi-attractive girls , during his hate-campaign against men that make him feel insecure. The fact that is most laughable about Myles is that this was the highlight of the clown fan-boy reporter’s insignificant life. Myles you tragic little creep!
Bum Bonnar is a combination of low self-esteem and an over-inflated ego (defence mechanism to hide his insecurities). Wimp Myles is a neurotic individual, who is a member of a mainstream neurotic culture – against the matters of fact (real people don’t think like him). Myles puts culture on like an overcoat along with his fellow members, they use culture as a collectivised consensus to dictate what sort of neurotic behaviour is acceptable, (ie. Myles thinks filming women secretly to run a dating business is wrong, but thinks secretly harassing and filming men to advance his jaded career is right).
We live in a climate where big companies like the BBC have a criminal outlook and often employ criminal methods. People are randomly told (controlled) that more and more of their actions are illegal, as more natural human experience is assessed and judged. Who appointed the BBC or idiot fascists like Myles Bonnar as judges. This clown can barely run his own life or get his crappy career off the ground.
It’s easy to imagine walking-contradiction Myles Bonnar as a creature that’s not quite human that has adopted human form, but that would be letting him off the hook too easily. Boring Bonnar displays (what is called in Psychology) cognitive dissonance. He feels stress / pain holding two contradictory ideas at the same time (ie. pretending to stand for social justice / radical feminism, whilst attempting to passively destroy men he thinks he can’t measure up to for career advancement). Either that or he’s a sneaky little simp faking the image of heroic crusader, building a fictional story of himself, barely holding himself together – foolishly thinking real people actually believe his toxic narrative / bullsh*t.

Myles (‘The Boner’ as he was dubbed on twitter) made a video defaming dating coach Addy AGame, coming from this same warped outlook. By fluke the video went viral in January 2019, Bonnar has no previous work that did so. Social media group madness took over because of the way the content was edited and displayed out of actual context in this garbage prejudicial video, as well as a totally inaccurate narrative Bonnar chose to put across (despite Addy giving the weasel reporter a full explanation via email in November 2018).
Stamp BBC on the video, share it through BBC The Social via Twitter and it’s almost a stamp of approval because the majority of the public think BBC Scotland and the Scottish media actually report the truth / news objectively – they don’t, they report selective propaganda to sell left-wing ideals and to sell units / increase ratings to make money. People naively forget the media is a business, it is influence, it is a method of mind-control and marketing. Social justice terrorists like Bonnar and the Scottish Media are only about women’s rights when it is convenient for them, not to actually help women or anyone for that matter.
They are carriers of a virus / a contagious madness, they are a propaganda machine, a crowd; and humans are taken in by this, fall victim to this group-think mentality, lose control of their behaviour / free will and restraint in a crowd; people in a group display actions they would not commit individually – that’s how propaganda, social media shaming and group-think tactics work.
After certain ideals are tattooed into our minds via the media’s constant reinforcement and repetition (most people don’t individually research this false information, they make an on-the-spot decision to believe it thinking the source is credible) social media is turned into a giant echo chamber where what we are told to believe is constantly reinforced by people who think they believe the same thing. Then opinions are expressed that a person is a monster and people are instantly congratulated for this. The media present this as a new kind of “democracy,” it isn’t, it’s the opposite, it locks people off in an online world and prevents them from finding out anything different. The BBC is a multi-million pound business with the power to do this easily.

People get unknowingly trapped in the “system” of feedback reinforcement. Twitter passes a lot of info around, mostly it’s the kind of info that people think others in their particular group will like, this acts as a kind of automatic mutual grooming. One person sends info they feel others will respond to in accepted ways, then in return those others will like the person who shared it (mostly this is socially conditioned information by mainstream media and marketers). Thus, information becomes currency to buy friends / popularity / career advancement or just to be accepted into the “system.”
When someone expresses information (from actual truth / research / experience) that disturbs the socially conditioned agreed protocols of the “system,” the other parts (internet trolls) react furiously, exert cyber mob-tactics and attack this person / information to regain a false sense of stability. So the idea there is another world of other non-conditioned people who have real-life ideas is virtually non-existence or considered alien or wrong. Social justice terrorists are not “woke,” they are “controlled,” they define boundaries of “normality” by tearing apart people who dare to be unique outside of the smoke and mirrors!
If anyone should change their behaviour, it ought to be those doing the shaming for popularity (or other gain) ie. racist feminazis Myles Bonnar and Rita Bruce. Twitter / media shaming allows fake people who complacently pretend to be “nice” or stand for “justice” to darkly take part in twisted yet somewhat hidden bullying, in the name of a “cause,” but in reality it’s just to indulge their shallow egos and to gain popularity of some sort (money, power, acceptance). Look at the facts and their track records – who have miserable pig Myles Bonnar and cowardly benefit-cheat Rita Bruce actually every helped? However it’s evident who they have hurt – a man who did nothing to either of them, ever; not to mention the women, children and men that are attached to him and depend on him! Some people grow-up and aspire to be what their hero’s are, what will our next generation be raised to aspire to be in a society fooled by and run by cheats and liars! Now let’s get to manky Myles Bonnar’s “Seduction Game” documentary garbage!
Myles is a lying spineless pig, that is clear for all to see. The producer of the flop-umentary is a fellow named Marc Ellison, a failed photo journalist who suspiciously works mostly on children’s cases. Ellison’s seedy website features videos of child soldiers , child brides and child witches. That’s extremely weird and his motives must be questioned, maybe that’s why he makes hate videos about men who are attracted to adult women (with his pal Myles).

Marc Ellison has been caught with his pants down previously. Ellison told of his “shame and public humiliation” after he was caught plagiarising information from a colleague. Thief Ellison was forced into making a public apology for his attempt to steal and lie about his work, he cried like a baby, stating; “I felt like burying my head in the sand, about giving up a career.” You should have, you’re an embarrassment. Not much has changed though Marc, you’re still a lying, cheating filthy BBC thief!
Creature Bonnar had another leech scumbag edit his BBC Panorama / Disclosure flop-umentary. A manly-looking woman in her 50’s named Shelley Joffrey. She is an editor at BBC Scotland and a feminazi sexist, she founded a woman only journalism group excluding men (Myles must have got in because of his mangina). Joffrey was also outed as a liar on Twitter as she falsely claimed to break the Jimmy Saville child abuse story via a tweet. Shelley then got her flabby behind kicked on Twitter, including by the reporter who actually broke the Jimmy Saville story (note Saville worked for the BBC for years and the BBC endorsed and protected the child molester for years, by the way). Joffrey then lied further to cover up her original lie, stating; “I made no such claims, it was just in the headline and tweet, it makes me look really stupid.” Even so Shelley, it’s still false information, just like the flop-umentary on Addy and Street Attraction – which also makes you look really stupid. This is the company you keep Myles – lying, cheating thieves? Well, birds of a feather, stick together!
Deception Game
Minger Myles writes his self-obsessed article about his Disclosure / Panorama flop-umentary in a similar way to how it was broadcasted, minus his slurred, nervous, camp voice. Bonnar talks like he was castrated, pumped full of soy and drained of all testosterone. He starts his crap article by stating; “standing in front of Savoy hotel in London, I wait with a group of students as they hand over £600 to head coach of Street Attraction.” Moronic Myles sounds like a country bumpkin Scotsman star struck by London, he fails to mention he also hands over £600 of the BBC’s money (swindled from the public via TV licences) just to get to be around the good folks at Street Attraction.
Prejudiced Bonnar continued; “Eddie Hitchens moves centre-stage for introduction – Hi I’m Eddie, I’m a heterosexual sex addict…I’ve been doing game since 2005, been coaching since 2011.” Firstly, Eddie’s intro is a joke, it’s funny humour, locker room chat between the guys, which is clear to anyone who is not socially retarded like Myles. Secondly, Eddie’s CV speaks for itself, Eddie’s credentials and knowledge of game is evident. It would therefore make sense to listen to Eddie about the subject rather than some soy boy estrogen ridden mangina like Myles Bonnar – who found out about it less than a year ago from an old chubby ginger addict hag (Rita Bruce – who also knows nothing about it).

Mangina Myles continued; “game is a multi-million pound business where men teach other men how to pick-up women. There’s nothing new about men picking up women. Seduction coaches are selling courses online on how to bed as many women as possible, as quickly as possible. Part of a growing global industry linked through internet video channels with hundred of thousands of subscribers.” Myles you got this info from us, you plagiarising little creep. You got some clout via your lie / fake video about Addy, then decided to repeat the formula with Street Attraction down south to get more clout, except in England they don’t give a fuck about your backwards Scottish hick social justice ethics – hence why your piss-poor documentary failed. It’s a legit business Myles. It’s freedom of speech Myles, you little Hitler! Also Myles, it’s not just “men teaching men,” there are plenty of women dating coaches teaching the exact same thing as Addy Agame to other men.
Boy child pollution Myles Bonnar attempts to be dramatic with his next quote; “in these videos and boot camps, only men are taught the rules. Women aren’t even aware they are part of a game.” Shut your fake lying mouth Myles – you mean like the countless women’s magazines and channels that exist and have existed for decades that teach women how to date / seduce / keep men – when men are none the wiser. Neither ethos is wrong, it’s just how it is Myles you fool. Men and women think about dating differently because biologically our brains work differently, that’s an evolutionary fact. Women are naturally better at dating / romantic situations as they are more emotionally and intuitively in touch with themselves, whereas men are not as clued up due to their logical thinking and because of modern day radical feminism being used as a shaming, marketing and control tool.

Scumbag Bonnar continued; “A game that can lead to persistent harassment on the street and dangerously blur the lines of consent.” You mean the way you (Myles) harassed Addy Agame and Street Attraction with countless emails, made inaccurate videos about their legitimate dating business’ (to advance your career) and ran up on them like a fake-ass magnum P.I. with a camera and a microphone after lying about your identity (you wannabe ronan farrow weirdo) – without their consent?! Nah Myles, it’s nothing like that you twisted, two faced, hypocritical little she-male! If anything there was no “harassment” or “lack of consent” ever involved. Both Addy and Street Attraction are on record saying things like; “if the girl isn’t into it move on to someone else / don’t get stuck on one girl / we don’t condone rape / you never have to force a women to do anything, she will want to do it” we could go on, the list is endless. These guys helped men be better, better than beta-males like bitter Myles Bonnar!
Minger Myles continued; “Hitchens signals the group to introduce themselves, including me: an undercover journalist posing as a new recruit. It’s an international mix – chef from Amsterdam, former US Navy officer, a software engineer from Brazil, computer programmer from Dublin, a doctor from Manchester.” Firstly don’t flatter yourself Myles you’re still an up and coming 31 year old bum reporter. Secondly look at the credentials of the men learning from Street Attraction, could it be that this wide variety of respected professionals are right and a bummy journalist is wrong? I would trust a doctor or navy seal before trusting a low-life reporter desperately looking for his big break, who would sell his own mother for a story!

Lying coward Bonnar continued; “then it’s my turn – Hi I’m Micheal Gibson, I say while fighting the psychological battle to remember my undercover name. I am a daygame beginner who has recently broken up with my girlfriend of 6 years.” Wow, the level of bullsh*t Bonnar is willing to talk to justify his transparent lying is insane! Myles you are the definition of creepy, you have a fake name, a fake identity and lie about having a “girlfriend of 6 years.” Myles admit it, you’ve never had a girlfriend have you? Let alone for the last 6 years? You’ve not even slept with more than 6 girls in your whole sad 31 years of life have you Myles, you hermaphrodite gender neutral soy-boy! And there’s that cognitive dissonance again, “psychological battle” stop being a drama queen, you’re just a low IQ fool – who can’t remember 2 words. Making up a fake name, well maybe it’s because you are constantly lying so much that you can’t fit anymore lies into your tiny brain without forgetting some.
Bullsh*tter Bonnar continued; “just like that, I’m deep into the weirdest experience of my life: a journey into the seduction industry.” Is it weirder than lying about your identity, secretly filming men while they work without their consent, then making fake news videos about them Myles? Is it weirder than stalking men via email and being a virtue-signalling male feminist sicko that thinks women will like him and sleep with him because he front’s being a white knight lady-saver Myles? Is it weirder than trying to destroy another man’s life, income and family (including women and children) to get your rotten failed journalist career out of the gutter Myles? There’s nothing weird about it; what’s weird is you – Myles Bonnar; your fake perspective, your weasel demeanour, your insecurity / inferiority complex to heterosexual men, your little man syndrome, you fake-ass wanna-be watchdog flop-umentary, your weedy little frame, your beady eyes, your seedy beard, your sweaty palms, your lack of masculinity, your lack of balls and backbone, your hypocrisy and your actual existence as a whole is weird Myles!
Agame Framed Despite Not Committing Any Crimes
Social justice worm Bonnar then goes onto write about the man who made creepy stalker Myles; yes, Myles Bonnar is so much of a simp, he couldn’t make himself, Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame’s coat-tails made the bum journo semi-famous (in Scotland!). Snake Bonnar couldn’t lace Ahmed’s boots, Bonnar is in the gutter, Ahmed is on a higher level of understanding, which midget Myles can never reach.
Beta simp Bonnar wrote; “Agame, this man is in prison for threatening and abusive behaviour towards young women, he had already spent 9 months on remand in jail.” In reality Ahmed was wrongfully convicted by a bias jury who were influenced by an online social media campaign and horrible selective press reporting during every turn of his trial (by Myles Bonnar and the Scottish Media scum). Even though it was clearly stated in court; “this is not a crime; being confident is not a crime, having a conversation is not a crime, witness is unreliable, asking someone out is not a crime, if you have any inclination of reasonable doubt – he’s innocent, people’s perspective were skewed by how Ahmed was portrayed in an online / media hate campaign.”
Ahmed was actually wrongfully convicted of section 38 breach of the peace which is equivalent to raising one’s voice too loud outdoors, madness! Here’s how the jury process works in Scotland, there is no screening for racist, feminist, prejudice or psychiatric deficiencies (unlike the USA). 15 members of the public are selected at random and simply told, “don’t go on social media or media” without any enforcement or checks conducted during the trial. Ahmed’s jury was made up of 9 females and 6 males (some of which were programmed by the media to hate him, some pudgy beta males and some angry overweight feminists), the wrongful non-majority “guilty” verdict will be appealed and overturned in the next few months as no crime was actually committed! Ahmed maintains his innocence, 13 charges were dropped before the bias jury got a chance to deliberate on them. Adnan Ahmed did not receive a fair trial and is not guilty of any criminal conduct!
The jury and accusers are asked to take an “oath to God” to ensure an unbiased / testimony, without individuals even being screened to see if they even believe in God (in an age of rampant atheist beliefs). It’s a ridiculous board-game style set-up, this is not justice, it’s a farce!
It is the aim of the clowns in the Scottish press to dehumanise Adnan Ahmed, objectify him, troll him and discredit his reputation to write scandalised, sensationalised lies as news stories. They did not write about his girlfriend and his mother being present to support him during the trial, as well as various male and female well-wishers and supporters dropping in and out during the proceedings. They did not report whole testimonials, only select words to demonise Ahmed further. The press even reported incidents Ahmed was found “not guilty” of after the trial finished. This is further grounds for him to sue for defamation!
Spineless snitch Myles continued; “Adnan Ahmed, a year ago styled himself as a pick-up artist called Addy Agame.” Shut up Myles you lying twat, you talk so much sh*te you’d think your lips were situated between your butt cheeks. Creepy Myles Bonnar labels Adnan Ahmed as a “so-called pick-up artist.” Again misinformation, as Adnan Ahmed has said on many occasions, “I am not a pick-up artist, I’m a dating and life coach, we help people using scientific self-help; not tricks, techniques, lines and tactics.”
Slimy swine Bonnar continued; “Ahmed hung around Glasgow with his wing-men secretly filming interactions with unsuspecting women on the street.” Myles you lying truth-twisting cretin! Ahmed lived in Glasgow, worked in Glasgow, studied in Glasgow (at that time) and sometimes coached game in Glasgow. Not everyone’s a stalker bum like you that “hung around” places! The “wing-men” you speak of were his coaching staff or a camera man or clients you whiny simp! Myles’ BBC Social video only focused on Addy not on any of his other colleagues, which Myles also seen on YouTube, why did you leave them out, is it because Ahmed is of a racial background that you hate!
Come on Myles, you sleazy hack nitwit, can’t you see the ladies faces are blurred out, protecting their identity. Furthermore you failed to mention it is a dating business, not a day out with friends. And what are they “unsuspecting” of? A fun conversation, ooohhh, the controversy. Additionally, the foolish journo failed to report that the majority of videos on Ahmed’s dating site are from cities around the world, and only on occasion in Glasgow!

Predatory Sicko Myles spewed on; “one of his uni classmates tipped me off that Ahmed had uploaded over 250 videos, some of those secretly filmed, onto his YouTube channel.” This “classmate” simpleton Bonnar speaks of is a daily Valium abusing junky who sexually assaulted Ahmed on more than 3 occasions on the way to and in uni, her name is Rita Bruce, more about that overweight elderly ginger later. “Over 250 videos” shows immense work-rate Myles you jealous dwarf, especially compared to your pathetic 2 and “filming” is not illegal, the reptiles in the Scottish Media do it on a daily basis to report bogus fake news, you also secretly filmed unsuspecting people for your flop-umentary Myles!
Coward Bonnar continued; “boasting of his sexual conquests, long misogynistic monologues, with Ahmed giving out advice for anyone who wanted to watch.” Typical beta-male whining crap Myles. Anything a man says is “misogynistic,” would it be better if he rambled beta-male monologues full of fake virtue signalling social justice drivel like you Myles, to spare your paper-thin feelings?!
Bugger off you little Hitler. Are you jealous he could back up what he taught, you label it “boasting of his sexual conquests,” is it because you’re so toxic Myles you have no sex-life? Is free speech not allowed in your beta male land of non-sense Myles? Not for men, especially ethnic men? Is that what you’re saying Myles? Here’s a link to a video that shows what Addy said on YouTube about women, there is nothing “misogynistic” about it Myles (do your research!).
The sleazy dirt bag journalist continued “in one video, titled how to f*** girls in alleyways and public toilets, the sleazy website host approaches on Buchanan Street and Sauchiehall Street.” Myles did you see the video, was there any sex in “alleyways” or “public toilets”? No there wasn’t. And what was the result of the 3 “interactions” on Buchanan Street and Sauchiehall Street? Well they all resulted in all 3 women giving Addy Agame their number! Bonnar fails to mention this fact because he is either a liar or stupid or trying to sell a story, it’s actually all 3.
Let us explain the concept of click bait video titles to you Myles; AGame’s videos did have click bait titles, this was to attract more clientele as daytime dating videos are filmed and uploaded on an almost daily basis all across the UK and this industry is very competitive, having shock value titles is a marketing strategy to trigger more interest from customers.
Ignorant Myles again continues on the defamation route via video titles by stating; “the YouTuber speaks about how to pick up a girl who already has a partner, how fat girls should blame themselves.” OK Bonnar, we’re not going to explain the meaning of click bait to you again, but we will address other aspects of your stupidity. Agame did make a video about sleeping with “a girl who already had a partner,” but the buffoon reporter Myles Bonnar showed his weasel tendencies yet again by failing to explain the context. We also watched this video and it is clear to see Addy is referring to girls in bad relationships, that are coming to an end or who have casual partners they are not committed to. This is totally fine between 2 consenting adults.
Myles is a two-faced spineless reporter that on the one hand uses religious reformer type of biblical judgement shame tactics and on the other hand lies, fabricates and makes false accusations to sell his garbage articles. And fat girls / men should blame themselves for being fat. This total lack of personal responsibility should be addressed in a fake posturing plastic politically correct society that shifts the blame elsewhere, anywhere but on themselves.
Fake mangina Myles continued to quote Addy like a desperate fan-boy stating; “he said in one video – the reason you’re doing it is to get laid. Only the brave get laid.” You wouldn’t understand this Myles because you’re a cowardly little angry dwarf midget man who doesn’t get laid – we can see why you are offended by this you pipsqueak simp. Men wanting to have sex with women and vice versa is natural Myles, it’s how babies are born you numbskull. Myles you may not find women sexually attractive, but here’s some obvious data for you – heterosexual men and women want to have sex with each other and the best way to start that process is to be “brave” enough to go talk to each other. Women don’t usually initiate this, so it’s up to a guy to do so, most women agree with this. Jeez Myles, you are f*cking stupid!

Baby-nuts Bonnar continued; “this was professional, complete with a sales pitch, lifestyle coaching and what seemed like a bewildering array of jargon; infield footage, number close.” OK Myles it was a business you fool, that was obvious to all, except you and that fat old junky hound Rita. You work like a dog barely making ends meet Myles and Rita is a benefit cheat, so it’s understandable you bums don’t get it. As far as the slang goes, every subculture has it i.e. hip-hop, skate boarders, the upper classes, the working classes even social justice wankers have theirs; ie. misogyny, woke, creep, victim-blaming, etc.
Castrated Bonnar continued; “this is language of what pick-up artists call game.” You trying to come across as knowledgeable by saying “what pick-up artists call game” is cringe-worthy Myles, it’s not PUA slang, it’s black street slang, look it up you idiot!
Soft fool Myles Bonnar continued; “in one video, Ahmed boasted of what he called a same night lay. Later in the clip, he filmed a woman sleeping with an unused condom next to her.” Myles your mumblings resemble that of a 31-year-old virgin. “Same night lay” is what people that go to nightclubs do on a nightly basis around the world. Go to a club Myles and try it out. We get it Myles you already did and no girls would sleep with you because you’re far too creepy, so you went back to being a social outcast that stalks men who are successful at dating women.
What’s wrong with using condoms Myles, you may go around having endless casual sex with no protection spreading nasty diseases, but that doesn’t mean others should take part in the same filthy practices. Ahmed is an advocate of safe sex and making sure sex is consensual. Myles Bonnar wrote “sleeping woman next to a condom wrapper” to slander Ahmed. Myles – always remember to wrap it up, safe sex is not a bad thing, it stops the spread of S.T.I’s.
Dwarf Bonnar continued; “Ahmed was even posting audio recordings of him having sex. It didn’t appear the women knew they were being recorded, consent for these recordings did not seem to be of much concern.” Myles you are making assumptions, only Addy knows this and he gave you the answer way back in November 2018, so what’s with the pussy-footing around the truth – you desperate for fame, story sensationalising fool.
You don’t have any integrity or honour do you Myles – you even imply non-consensual sex, you horrible troll-like creature, it’s disgusting to accuse anyone of non-consensual sex Myles, you should be ashamed of yourself!
OK Myles, so Addy had consensual sex with these women, some of which is adventurous where a couple films each other, again consensual, then it is used for a dating businesses YouTube channel – with all parties involved permitting it to be shown! Also there is no actual pornographic video and all female participant’s identities are protected because their actual faces are not shown.
Adnan Ahmed even commented on the consented video content in a statement to the BBC Social in November 2018 which was ignored in order to make a video defaming him and not showing his actual views, here is a link to what Addy actually said to the press;
Sexual failure Myles continued; “he told viewers of one video – she’s like why are you putting a condom on? Plausible deniability. They want you to take the lead. Remember this is not rape… Listen to her actions, her body…not her words.” This is a prime example of seedy Bonnar using selective editing to imply out of context “back-up” for his bogus fairy tale claims. The key fact here is Addy said; “this is not rape…” What Myles left out was Addy saying; “We do not condone rape in any shape or form. Rape is disgusting and wrong.”
If anyone was going to force themselves on another person why would they put a “condom on,” why would they tell the other person they were doing so! The context in which Addy said this was when he was already in a sexual situation with a female doing consensual sexual things, nothing was forced, ever! Man-child Myles selectively chose the words “listen to her actions, her body…not her words,” which Addy again said in the context of a woman giving full sexual consent, hence why seedy stalker Bonnar leaves “…” in his transparent quotable. If viewers watch the full video, this is 100% obvious.
Fake Targets / False Accusations
Creepy friend-zone lap-dog beta male trickster Myles then uses his hollow hype to coerce young girls into saying what he wants them to, most women he contacted ignored him, we know because they contacted us to tell us. However, Myles was able to get a couple of ambulance-chasing glory hunting frauds to add to his crappy flop-umentary garbage by flat out lying. Both these idiots gave Addy their numbers after talking to him, one even admitted it to Bonnar, the other is on video doing so! Manipulator Myles left this fact out of his flop-umentary.
Spice-boy sucker Bonnar continued; “tracked down 2 women who had been approached by Ahmed. Both said their encounter with him had stuck with them.” No Myles you went online like a creepy under-sexed weirdo and targeted them on Twitter (it’s probably the only time in Myles’ sad sex-less life he gets to hang around semi-attractive chicks by pretending to be captain-save-a-ho). Two random #MeToo nobodies jumped on the Bonnar hate-campaign against Addy, just to get some fleeting (15 minutes of) fame by faking being victims – this is obvious as the two individuals didn’t contact Myles, he “tracked” them down. Why didn’t they come forward before or during his prejudiced BBC Social Video defaming Addy in January 2019? They reason is because they know deep down they had nothing to complain about as both of them willingly gave Addy their numbers!
Fascist Bonnar continued; “Beth was walking home through the main shopping street in Glasgow after her shift, it was a dark November night and Ahmed stepped into her path. She was 17, Ahmed was 37.” Myles is a terrible writer, his attempt to sensationalise this scenario is totally see-through. This “Beth” gave Addy her number, she admitted this. She was walking on the “main” street in Glasgow, with thousands of people around as witnesses. The “dark” November night is another frail attempt by Myles to twist facts, in Scotland it gets “dark” at 4pm in November. Myles resorts to being ageist as well as racist in regards to Addy. Firstly a 37 year old dating a 17 year old is not illegal in the UK. Secondly the last 10 women Ahmed has dated were aged 18-26, while he was in his 30’s. Myles chooses to “age-shame” because as a 31 year old over the hill loser he can’t even date women his own age or older, the sad little midget.

Sleazy munter Myles continued to quote the glory-hunting faker stating; “he was like, oh are you Russian? He was mentioning he was in Ukraine or something and he had hired prostitutes, he had just a horrible manner.” Such a disgusting manner that you gave him your phone number to contact you for a date Beth? Get a grip! We managed to get Addy to comment on this, he said; “this is absolute nonsense, this girl is lying. I don’t pay women for sex or use prostitutes, I’ve made videos telling viewers and clients not to use prostitutes or porn as it messes up their sex lives and mental health. This is a disgusting accusation and if anything this girl is worse than a prostitute. This girl tells lies for fame, thank god I didn’t go out with her. I have 5 witnesses, 3 males and 2 females who can vouch that I didn’t hire any prostitutes – David, Matt, Mike, Katrina and Veera. I was in Ukraine with them, they were with me the whole time.”
RPR managed to track down Matthew Bertram, Michael Smith, David Kasonga, Katrina Dubenskij and Veera Szmul – Addy’s 5 friends who accompanied Addy on his trip to the Ukarine, all 5 of them confirmed “he did not hire prostitutes,” they further stated; “he wouldn’t even go to a strip club, he doesn’t believe in paying for sex, at most he’s buy a girl a coffee or a drink on a date.” We also managed to get a copy of Ahmed’s YouTube video “don’t use porn and prostitutes,” from his DWLF archives which confirmed what he stated about his stance to his clients!
Reptilian snake Bonnar continued;” he kept on asking for her number, he kept trying to touch her. Beth said – I said no countless times, I gave excuses and he was like: oh it’s fine, like, just give me your number, whatever.” We asked Addy to comment on this, he said; “I don’t even talk like that, I don’t say – oh it’s fine, like, whatever. That sounds like some rehearsed crap she’s made up. It sounds like a gay guy. There’s hour long tutorials of me speaking, people have heard me speak, they know how I talk. I’m a trained public speaker, I don’t use stupid language like that, I have no problem saying what I feel. The fact of the matter is she says she gave me her number, look how she’s talking on the documentary, she acts coy, but she’s not stupid or nervous or shy. As far as touching goes – as this reporter Myles Bonnar said; the only touching I ever do is hand-shakes upon introduction and after girl’s gave me their number (when leaving). I only ask for phone numbers once and she said she gave me it.”
Monster Myles continued; “Beth was shaken and thought that he would leave her alone if she agreed to give him her number.” You sound like a band-wagon jumping glory-hunter. If Ahmed was dangerous why would he approach you during the day in a well populated area and ask for your phone number, which you consented to give him! Anyone with criminal intent would not make conversation with a phone number (in order to go on a date) as their end goal! If this “Beth” person felt “shaken” why did she consensually give her number to Addy? Why did she not ask or shout or scream for help? The real reason is she’s making this all up to play up to the media. You’re not a victim, you’re a lying drama queen that is actually hurting women who are the real victims of real crimes – as well as innocent men who are simply confident and masculine!
Tiny brain Bonnar continued to quote this woman Beth stating; “he knew I was going to the bus stop, he knew I’d be alone for around an hour waiting for my bus, so I stayed on the phone to my mum for 30 minutes talking her through the situation, trying to give me peace of mind.” OK Beth, how did he know this information, is it because he’s psychic or because you told him! And you must have called your mum after you gave him your number and he left right?! Your mum should be ashamed of you Beth, you’re a liar and not a very good one at that. You could have said “No” to giving him your number or gave him a fake number. Something smells fishy Beth! We asked Addy about this, he said; “she said I spoke to her for 5 minutes or less and then left, she started talking about silly stuff like having to wait for a bus for an hour, I think she wanted me to wait with her, I’m not going to waste my time waiting for some girl I just met, my attention is not free, especially to a stranger, she said I left, then she’s twisting what actually happened, it’s a horrible accusation.”
Sketchy Myles continued;” Beth knew this was not just a chat-up. It felt wrong. It was not harmless she said, I spent the night terrified.” For God sake Myles, at least get someone who can lie better than this. There was no threat (physical, mental or verbal). Myles was sniffing around this girl in his flop-umentary like a frustrated teenager confused of what to do next, but just happy to be around a girl who was semi-attractive. Beth, were you just “terrified” after the wait for the bus and after the bus-ride and after the evening passed (not during) – just during the night?! Beth you were so terrified that you actually texted him back. We asked Addy about this; “this is ridiculous. If I was a threat in any way shape or form, why would I settle for a number and leave after 5 minutes. If someone is a threat they wouldn’t leave, they would stick around especially after what she said she told me, a number wouldn’t be their aim, she’s a complete liar, either that or she’s mentally unstable, either way I dodged a bullet not meeting her.” Ladies and gentlemen, looks like we have another air-head who thinks it’s cool to be a fake #MeToo activist.
Following are links to actual testimonials of women who actually know and have dated Addy, whom he met via “daygame”;
Gender neutral he-she Bonnar continued by recruiting another wolf-crying #MeToo fraud called Emily, he stated; “a friend of Ahmed filmed him as he approached 20-year-old Emily. Ahmed uploaded the video to his YouTube channel.” This “friend,” Myles speaks of was Ahmed’s camera man (Matthew Bertram) and filming on public property is 100% legal. Scumbag Myles secretly films people for career advancement, as do his sleazy Scottish media counterparts. Also Ahmed took this video down on 10th January 2019, Myles archived the video beforehand like a creepy stalker.

Man-woman Myles continued; “Emily found out their conversation was available online when I told her.” No Myles, you stalked her on Twitter, met her and showed her the 2 year old video you downloaded (that was not available online). This is “Myles’ game” of meeting women. Captain-save-a-ho Bonnar continued; “her experience is something I’ve heard from many women who have experienced street harassment.” Myles is what you heard that this Emily consensually gave Addy her number also, you saw the video, the evidence is there. We at RPR also have a copy and seen it ourselves. Myles, what about your street harassment of straight men and your online stalking and harassment of young girls?! It’s not cool to make accusations of harassment when no such thing took place, you hypocritical fool.
Beta Bonnar continued to quote this idiot; “the ridiculous thing is, that entire conversation I’m sitting there trying to figure out a way to let him down gently, we don’t want to be called b*tch or rude for closing an interaction down.” No Emily, the ridiculous thing is how you gave Addy your number 2 years ago, then are pretending to be a humble snowflake on camera after speaking to a seedy reporter and seeing his prejudicial video towards Addy you “rude b*tch.” And you weren’t “sitting” you were standing. Most people just politely decline or make up an excuse if they want to “let others down gently,” they don’t give their phone number to the guy willingly, you could have given a fake number Emily?! And don’t say “we” Emily, you don’t represent all women, a lot of women like confident men. You’ve been reading too much old school pick-up theory stuff (when people think “negging” is still relevant) haven’t you Emily, so you could go on that “c*nt” saying, wrinkly, puppet faced Victoria Derbyshires’ show with mini-man Myles to lie about what actually happened and try to back it up with some out of date research and buzzwords. Addy had a witness there who seen the whole interaction.
Myles must have been excited he got to hang out with a g-g-girl and be on TV, every beta male’s dark dream come true! We asked witness Matthew Bertram, “Addy didn’t use or teach tactics, everything he done was spur of the moment and spontaneous, this girl happily gave him her number, they probably could have went for a coffee then and there, but Addy was too busy to pursue it that day, so he settled for a phone number to let her down gently. She was far too keen.”
Child-boy Bonnar continued; “in the video Ahmed boasted if he had met Emily on holiday, he would have definitely had sex with her or as he put it, it would have been a same day lay.” More selective quoting / editing from tiny Bonnar. We asked Addy about this, he said; “this Myles is such a passive aggressive phoney! I think the clown has got a crush on me, he’s spent too much time dedicating his wasted life on me. He said it out of context, anyone who watches the video can see I stated that if I met a girl in this scenario on vacation and if I had time to go on a date, the likelihood would be sexual. This Emily girl was open-minded, friendly and quite keen. The context I said “same day lay” applied to the scenario, not this specific girl! It’s all on video, I didn’t have time to ask her to come for a drink then and there because I was busy. Matt was there, ask him, he saw the full thing, he filmed it.”
Beta-male sicko Myles continued to quote his friend-zone fantasy girl Emily; “Emily said – that infuriates me… for him to so painfully misread that is frustrating.” No Emily, it “infuriates you” because you’re on camera receptive of his approach, a witness confirms Addy’s account, whereas you are simply finding this “frustrating” because this reporter has twisted and coerced you into thinking you were conned (you weren’t) or did something wrong (you didn’t).
Bonnar continued to quote Emily; “men assuming women want to have sex with them is part of a considerably larger problem is society. He probably didn’t think much about it, just saying this person’s a same day lay.” Emily, you gave him you number and it was edited out of context by slimy Myles – your signal was, “have my number for a date,” people have sex on dates Emily. And news flash, women do want to have sex with men and vice versa!
This fabricator”Emily” should be displeased by the outcome of her life, as at 20 she runs to a dirty dishonest BBC reporter to defame an innocent man. Society in Scotland is going down the toilet you fame-chasing phoney – radical feminism is not about equality, it discriminates aggressively towards males, quoting airheads like “Emily” talking absolute nonsense.
It seems this wolf-crier thought Ahmed’s behaviour was “OK” in 2017 as she con-sensually gave him her number to contact her. So according to her it’s “not OK” for men and women to speak in Scottish society, this makes no sense and is utter stupidity.
Addy has never manipulated women, Myles on the other hand needs a strategy / reason to even hang out with them (non-romantic of course!). Here are further testimonials of women who have had real experiences with Addy and know him well.
Compulsive liar Myles gave 2 flimsy accounts from 2 shoddy sources, all of whom admit to giving Addy their number. Either these people are extremely stupid or they are lying; they seem very savvy to us at RPR, more than savvy; – two faced truth-twisters who know exactly what to do and say to cover-up their faults and change facts about what actually happened, that led to them giving Addy their number! Could it be that a prejudicial video made by simp-boy Myles Bonnar portraying Ahmed as sinister suddenly tricked you into thinking he was. Sounds pretty consistent with this whole media circus crap that happened to Addy since January 2019.

Desperate dirt bag Bonnar continued; “I made a video for BBC Scotland’s The Social on Ahmed. It went viral with 2 million plays online.” Wrong Myles, you made a shit video full of lies demonising him. It went viral through a fluke; Addy made you, you low status creep. Myles you made a name for yourself by literally being a snitch and a simp at the same time. Cowardly racist Myles Bonnar has disappeared into nothingness again after selling himself out for fame (he has no actual skills / talent) by trying to destroy innocent men’s lives because he’s a spineless weasel who women find repulsive.
BBC The Social hounded Glasgow dating coach Addy for months, he reached out to them and responded with a detailed explanation of his business model and background to his client base as well as the scientific reasoning behind this method of face to face daytime speed dating, which was in large ignored. Instead they used choice sentences to turn up the controversy in order to create a story and demonise an innocent man.
Rodent Bonnar spewed on; “there was a demonstration on the streets of Glasgow led by a group of concerned women.” Myles you’re a exaggerating little rodent. In actuality a Instagram troll called Mandy Jones (hopelessly single man-hater with body-image issues) got her few pals together in George Square for a failed attempt at a demonstration. Check out the links below for the full story.
Needy approval-seeker Myles added; “Nicola Sturgeon said she had been shocked and appalled by what she had seen in my report,” That’s because of the falsified information you portrayed via selective editing Myles. Sturgeon later helped Ahmed’s girlfriend with vital information regarding his case afterwards, which we have documented on the RPR site. Although Nicola Sturgeon’s hypocrisy is not lost in this instance as her own mentor faced multiple rape allegations while she worked with him.
Wretched cretin Bonnar continued his defamation, stating; “women kept coming forward – this man stalked me for months waiting outside my work.” This comment was made by a woman Ahmed had not even met before. Addy was found not guilty of this charge and this woman was found out to be lying. Click the link below to read the full details!
Feminised clown Bonnar continued to quote another liar; “this guy asked if he could walk me home, then got so aggressive with me, I told him my age and he kept talking to me. He was such a freak.” Again, Addy was found not guilty of this charge and again this woman was proven to be a liar. Check out the full details of this via the following link!
Testosterone starved Bonnar continued; “nearly all the stories were about uncomfortable encounters. Many seemed to cross the line from persistence to harassment. Some – it later turned out – were criminal.” No Myles, Ahmed was set-up by media vultures like you. The few “stories” told about him were lies and do not amount to actual crimes under UK Law. Addy was not found guilty of “harassing” anyone, there were no charges of “harassing” even lodged against him. This is another reason to sue Myles for defamation!
Ahmed’s brilliant advocate Donna Armstrong said of the Uddingston incidents; “the witnesses admit the path to the train station can be walked in under 60 seconds. In our civilised society these girls are considered adults not children, you’ve seen my client talk to girls on video, it is consensual and the women involved gave positive responses, this is evidence of how his interactions are. This is the main route to the train station in Uddingston, not a secluded lane, it has fields of grass either side and the school happens to be right next to the train station. All sides have said it was during the day outside school hours. For talking sake, even if both these ladies had went on a date with him, this would be perfectly legal, this is not a crime, I implore you to find him not guilty!” Adnan Ahmed’s lawyer Donna Armstrong described another witness to the court as “she is unreliable, on record she changed her story 3 times, you can’t trust the testimony she has given.”
Ahmed’s lawyer told the court of another witness; “the messages are from one source, her! This is not a crime, my client is giving an honest testimony. Being confident is not a crime. You the jury must have felt somewhat uncomfortable and intimidated when selected to be jurors for this case, that doesn’t equate to a crime either. This is not the fault of my client, these are emotions felt by all people. This is not a court of morality, it’s a court of law, you may not like my client but that doesn’t mean he’s guilty. He did not intimidate anyone.” Lawyer Ms Armstrong also cross-examined this accuser stating “there are messages missing from the feed, why did he respond “no joke” after initially sending “fun to meet you” without a response, it doesn’t make sense. You said in your statement, “is this a joke” now you’re saying it was in person and not over text?!” The witness twisted her face and scowled at the lawyer in response.
It was clearly stated in court; “this is not a crime; being confident is not a crime, having a conversation is not a crime, witness is unreliable, asking someone out is not a crime, if you have any inclination of reasonable doubt – he’s innocent, people’s perspectives was skewed by how Ahmed was portrayed in a online / media hate campaign.”
Boner (dubbed on Twitter) Myles added; “more than a dozen women gave details to the police following the publication of my report. Within 2 days of the video, Ahmed was arrested and charged with incidents of threatening and abusive behaviour.” Myles conveniently didn’t mention 13 charges were dropped instantly before they got to the jury, however the prosecutor managed to get 5 through to a jury via a Scottish legal technicality called Moorov’s Law, knowing the jury were heavily influenced by all the negative press against Ahmed during 2019 and every day of the trial (radio, TV, newspapers, internet), check out the technicality law details via the link below;
Ahmed’s legal team were targeting a full acquittal because there was no crime to answer to in any of the incidents under UK Law. The prosecutor decided “threatening and abusive behaviour” (another terminology for section 38 – breach of the peace) was the only chance, as the scope is so wide, ie. it covers raising one’s voice outdoors all the way to actually verbally threatening someone, plus a wide array of things in between. Also most of the complainers didn’t even go to the police, the police tracked them down via Twitter comments – this is one of the many points Ahmed’s legal team are using to appeal his wrongful conviction and sentence!
Weak mousy Myles then spat; “Ahmed a dating and lifestyle coach, said what he did was educational. However, women he had approached told his trial they had been upset and intimidated.” Addy gave a statement at the trial also telling the court; “no one involved (the women) thought anything untoward was going on until their perception was changed by how I was portrayed in the online and media smear campaign in January 2019 (referring to BBC Social’s cyber-hate video). All of a sudden a few warped people said I spoke to them like it was not just a quick chat. I could have asked someone the time and they would have reported it as being uncomfortable or intimidating.” Many legal experts also agreed and re-iterated this throughout the trial.
The police didn’t act because of online videos, they were aware of them for years, they crumbled because of media pressure (causing feminist outrage) because Police Scotland is a Micky Mouse force of hick villagers.
Bootcamp / Bonnar Secretly Films Street Attraction And Selectively Edits The Truth Out of Context
Beta-male Myles Bonnar stated; “when I first began investigating Ahmed, I did not know he was part of a wider seduction industry. I discovered he is one of dozen’s online. They share seduction techniques and cross-promote each other’s channels.” This explains why your BBC Social video in January 2019 about Addy was so inaccurate and way off the mark Myles, you hadn’t done any research and didn’t know what you were talking about, yet still you made it; this exposes everything about you. You’re a phoney, a liar and incompetent. And there aren’t “dozens” of coaches, there are thousands – including females as well as males!
Bonnar continued; “promising quick results, one group stood out: Street Attraction …offered boot camps that have men attracting women within 2 days. Students promised tutorials, follow-up guidance and one-to-one lessons on how to master their masculinity. Street Attraction had more than 110,000 YouTube subscribers.” This is the resume of a legit and successful business Myles you scumbag. Did your unsuccessful life bug you so much that you took it upon yourself to use BBC propaganda to destroy other men’s livelihoods, who are self-made successes?!
Weasel-troll Bonnar continued; “founder Eddie Hitchens even charged for viewing one of his secretly recorded sexual exploits.” This is a lie. There was nothing pornographic, there was no nudity or anything vulgar. Myles words this as if Eddie was charging clients to view sex. In reality Eddies program was an example of how to meet a woman that leads to a dating scenario which can lead to consensual sex.
Bonnar continued, quoting Eddie; “recording intimate stuff in general isn’t easy, if a girl knows that she is being filmed she won’t act in a natural way and won’t allow herself to be seduced for fear of her reputation being ruined. We wanted to capture real reactions it had to be filmed covertly. Guerrilla-style – Hitchens explained in one video.” The context Eddie stated this was educational. Social outcast Myles interprets “intimate” as sex, if Myles had actual experience with women he would know intimacy takes place in many ways – conversation, eye contact, shared experiences, etc.
Anyone featuring in Eddie’s videos had their identities and faces hidden. Which is the opposite of weirdo journalists (like Myles) who secretly film people without their consent, reveal their identities and lie about them unashamedly. Eddie protected women’s reputations, Myles profits from ruining them. Myles revealed Eddie and Richard’s full names in his flop-umentary because they had Eastern European roots. Bonnar has been accused of racism previously, his hate of ethic minorities is also a motive for his attack on Street Attraction.
Feminist mangina Myles continued his lies; “Street Attraction trained Agame. The boot camp he attended was filmed and uploaded on his channel.” This is utter nonsense! Ahmed was teaching dating 2 years before meeting the guys from Street Attraction. Street Attraction did not “train” him. They collaborated on a couple of YouTube videos, met on one occasion in London and talked here and there over Whatsapp. This is a lie made-up out of thin air.
Gender neutral Bonnar continued; “that is why I ended up outside Savoy Hotel in London at a training course.” Shut your mouth Myles, the reason you went there was to advance your failed career – you made a vile video defaming Addy Agame that got you some fame as a slimy sntch-beta in Scotland so you decided to repeat the formula to get UK-wide recognition. But you failed, the documentary flopped and you’ve faded back to nothingness; you lonely little dwarf!
Small-time snitch-simp Bonnar spewed on; “it was a sweltering day, I was wearing a thick quilted coat to hide a camera and microphone. There were 6 students, my coach was Hitchens.” This is the epitome of Myles, it’s seedy – Eddie was helping those men better their lives and you were there secretly filming men for you gratification. Plus your dress sense sucks in general, throughout the flop-umentary Myles can be seen dressed as an out of touch geek with no masculine swagger.
Boy-girl Bonnar continued; “the first task was to approach a women within 30 seconds. I dispersed across London bridge awash with police and protesters taking part in an extinction rebellion event.” Firstly you failed because of your social awkwardness Myles, secondly there were thousands of witnesses including police (during a sunny day) – there’s nothing untoward about the boot camp, it was out in the open with nothing to hide.
Bumbling coward Bonnar stated; “eventually, I bumped into a couple of women watching spray painted bandstands and musicians.” Myles “eventually” talked to a couple of females and you didn’t “bump into” them, you approached them, again with witnesses around. Awkward Bonnar continued; “I had no idea what to say. It was the first test of the day. I was already struggling. I asked whether this was some sort of gig.” This coming from a guy who describes Addy’s encounters as “uncomfortable,” Myles yours sound absolutely pitiful. The reason you “had no idea what to say” and described it as a “test” and “struggle” is for the same reason why all men seek coaching with their dating life; that and because you’re a seedy creep lacking experience with women. Bonnar shouldn’t be making videos defaming dating coaches he feels interior to as a man, he should be hiring them to help him become less creepy and awkward!
Sexually inexperienced Myles continued; “no, one smiled, this is a protest. My question was so naive it actually worked. I was chatting away and eventually the other woman offered me a flyer.” So basically what your saying is, women welcome men who talk to them face to face you hypocrite. Look at the language Myles uses, “it actually worked,” this shows the beta male’s mind-set, he sees it as trickery, he even describes himself as “naive.” Myles, the women offered you a “flyer” to get rid of you because you have no charm, no seductive style and no game. Addy’s interactions that you publicised in your documentary actually ended in number exchanges (even though the chicks were ambulance chasing truth twisters).
Creep Myles continued; “the conversation ended politely. I said my goodbyes, returned to the pack.” Myles it ended “politely” because you’re a lap-dog, male-feminist that puts himself in the friend-zone; there was no flirting, shared humour or sexual energy because you don’t know what you’re doing. Also “returned to the pack” is predatory language, you’re not a “pack” of wolves. Hypocrite Myles paints his awkward creepy shit in a good light and demonised Addy and Street Attraction’s smooth interactions!
Baby-nuts Bonnar then stated; “that is what pick-up coaches call a cold approach. I was told it does not matter if I fancied the woman or not.” Ok firstly “cold approach” is a sales terms you fool and initially you were told to approach any girls because you are a petrified coward who is terrified to speak to females – this was to help you overcome your social anxiety. Afterwards, students are told to only approach women they are attracted to. Myles you are not qualified to cover the seduction community; you’re coming from a place of lack of understanding, lack of communication skills and a dark beta-male mind-set. You need help Myles!

What dating coaches like Addy, Eddie and Richard, etc, taught clumsy social misfits like Myles is that they can learn to perceive things differently, to cut through illusions of the mind / PC society that they believe or fear, to stop seeing imaginary problems and to learn to focus on the reality of male-female dynamics. Too often clients who think like Bonnar react emotionally, get despondent and lose perspective. Their negative perceptions invade their minds and throw off their emotional compass, resulting in social anxiety. Dating is taught as a science and an art. Human brains evolved for an environment very different from the one we currently inhabit, resulting in people carrying biological baggage (as social justice ideologies clash with basic human instincts). Humans are still primed to detect threats / dangers that no longer exist ie. stress of rejection or the fight-or-flight response Myles experienced when talking to a female. Addy and Street Attraction taught that men have a choice in how they respond to this situation; to not be led by primal feelings, to understand them and learn how to filer them in order to be attractive to the opposite sex (its not trickery, it’s science and art). Bonnar truly doesn’t get it and this, along with his bitterness led to his hate-campaign and sexually jealous lies about men who he perceives as superior to him.
Bitter Bonnar hates men who have honed the ability to control, channel and understand primal signals because he can’t access that part of himself; Myles you are a slave to your impulses, instincts, social justice conditioning and need for approval- you’ve never even questioned why you are the way you are! If your BBC Social video or Panorama / Disclosure flop-umentary were even slightly accurate; they would have shown how Addy and Street Attraction turn seduction into an education, skill-set and success with women. Many men from all backgrounds testify online on how they learned to control emotions, to have a positive outlook, to overcome anxiety / depression, to enjoy the present moment and to handle situations that disturb / limit others. Women benefit from this also, they can have healthy relationships (whether short-term or long-term) with men you have their sh*t together! Instead Myles- you showed what your dark sordid agenda and limited mind made-up and twisted!
Social justice fool Myles gives away his “no-penis” mentality when at the start of his flop-umentary he films girl’s bums on Oxford Street. Dirt-bag Bonnar continued; “Hitchens pointed out a target and we were sent to approach by blocking their path.” Wimpy Myles uses “target” to make Eddie look seedy, when Myles himself used words like “it worked” and “pack.” Eddie used “target” to appeal to the logical male brain that can learn most things like building blocks and equations, there is nothing seedy about it. And no one was “blocked,” all of Street Attraction’s infield videos showed them temporarily stopping girls in a positive / friendly manner, leaving enough space for them to stay or leave at their leisure. Mostly the women involved welcome and enjoy the interactions and again, there are thousands of people around! Myles – how do you suggest men meet women?! You don’t have a clue you creep – but you seem to think you know better than guys who actually know from experience. You’re full of sh*t Myles.

Bonnar continued; “boot camps students were now mic’d up so Hitchens could listen in and critique their performance.” Your stupidity is astounding Myles, in any coaching / student scenario – the perceiving eye is weak and the observing eye is strong. Eddie’s observing eye seen events from experience (clear of distraction, exaggerations and mis-perceptions); in contrast to Myles’ inexperienced perceiving eye that seen obstacles and issues. Hence the need for mics and ear pieces. Eddie taught how to focus the animal brain within milliseconds by questioning impulses and overriding them and to examine perceived threats that are not real. This is mental and physical training and requires practice by taking consistent action.
White Knight friend zone coward Bonnar virtue-signalled through his mangina, stating; “not that the women knew that,” just like Eddie didn’t know you were abusing his trust by secretly filming him and lying to him – while he was trying to help you. Myles, women benefit from this also, it’s win-win you childish idiot. Dating is difficult for females also to an extent, they want to meet a man, they want the right man to approach them – ask some women without your BBC rubbish hat on. Day-time dating is a solution for both men and women. Why be someone grovelling online, why not have something special to offer – daygame allowed men to be the answers to women’s prayers, not the other way around!
Mentally challenged Myles continued to project his insecurities; “the approaches made me feel uncomfortable. I kept on thinking about my sisters and cousins and what they would think if they were on the receiving end of the students advances.” You weird man Myles, who would think of sisters / cousins during a dating scenario! Myles is fake virtue-signalling yet again. Myles your sisters and cousins would most likely welcome it, they’ve probably each had more sexual partners than you’ll ever have in your whole sad lifetime Myles! This is true sexism (from beta males like Myles) framing women as special snowflakes who don’t like sex, then shaming them for being sexual like all humans are. Your sisters and cousins shouldn’t be shamed for having sex with confident men who have the courage to approach and connect with them Myles, but they should be ashamed of you, you toxic man. Bonnar’s social anxiety and sexual inexperience is why he describes himself as feeling “uncomfortable” around women he approached.
When people like Myles panic, they make social mistakes, become shaken and stop thinking clearly. They react to primal survival hormones coursing through their veins – this is the source of your women problems Myles. Bonnar blames his emotional freak-outs on external sources, ie. dating coaches / PUA’s, because it’s easier than dealing with his glaring flaws. This panic has to be trained out and doesn’t go easily – especially for beta male losers like Myles living in denial. Addy and Street Attraction helped men who were honest enough with themselves to get help, to solve this.
Girly-Boy Bonnar continued; “Dr Rachel O’Neill an academic at London school of Economics, has studied the seduction industry for 10 years.” This so-called “doctor” isn’t qualified to give an opinion because she’s looking from the outside in. Eddie Hitchens on the other hand has over 14 years actual experience, his opinion is that of fact, not outside observation. Within the seduction industry there are numerous armchair coaches who watch every video on the subject of seduction but never actually put any theory into practice by actually talking to women. These men are ridiculed as pretenders, this “Rachel O’Neill” is on par with them. Researchers are not experts, practitioners are. Your use of O’Neill’s opinion is asinine Myles, she doesn’t fully comprehend the industry – book smarts don’t equate to social skills and theory certainly is no match for experience!

Cringe worthy Myles continued; “Dr O’Neill told me; there’s an idea that seduction essentially provides a blueprint that men can follow as a way of interacting with women. So you’ll be given a more or less scripted set of lines, routines that you can follow.” This is not accurate. Some men who hire dating coaches have extreme social problems, mental health issues and emotional blocks. To start with these particular clients will be given lines / routines.” However after repeated exposure to human interactions they are told to drop the training wheels and become free-flowing spontaneous and naturally witty in their interactions, reacting on a spur of the moment basis. Again a “blueprint” is taught to start with due to the biologically logical nature of male brains in order for them to understand on a methodical level. After that a transition to an emotional / intuitive level is taught in order to internalise seduction as part of who they are.
Desperate Bonnar continued to quote the unqualified quack, stating; “most training camps spend the majority of time out on streets, bars, cafes, museums, any public place, actually practising techniques putting them into practice. That means often unwillingly drawing women into these interactions.” This coming from someone who has never attended or taught a boot camp, it’s a shoddy evaluation from personal bias, not experience. O’Neill’s recognition of game being taught in “public places” inadvertently highlights the fact that it is done in the open in a safe way with witnesses around.
As far as “unwillingly drawing women in,” she’s way off the mark again. Addy met his girlfriend via daytime dating, Eddie met his girlfriend in this way also, as have hundreds of thousands of other clients and coaches. Many women have also testified online as welcoming this type of dating, no women are ever forced to do anything – some stay and talk, others walk away, it really is that simple!
Dating coaches like Street Attraction and Addy taught their clients a series of exposure therapy exercises in varying levels of difficulty; from simple daunting approaches, until they did it so many times that it became as second nature as breathing. Making it natural and familiar, removing uncertainty, leading to confidence through experience. Fear is relieved by authority. Training is authority, it’s a release valve. With enough exposure, ordinary and innate fears are ironed out. Unfamiliarity is eliminated, which in turn increases tolerance to stress / anxiety / uncertainty. O’Neill should apply this to areas of her life, she might learn something more valuable than her egoistic armchair analysing!
Metro sexual Myles continued his A-sexual ramblings; “some of the women we were told to approach looked like teenagers and I told Hitchens I thought they were too young. I am 31 and I did not want to approach someone half my age. Myles you sound like a borderline paedophile; half of 31 is 15 ½, that’s illegal and disgusting. No one told you to do that, that horrible claim came from you. The legal age of consensual sex is 16 Myles, do a documentary on that if it bothers you, it’s the law. 17, 18, 19 are “teenagers,” but they are still adults, your wording implies otherwise. It’s funny how social justice warriors like Myles suspiciously employ almost biblical moral high-grounds when judging others, but act hypocritically in secret. Myles hidden-penis ethics are to push his desperate agenda not because of any actual value system (instead to kick-start his career). If 2 adults of any consensual sexual age decide to get together that’s up to them Myles. 31 year olds are not limited to date those of a similar age, funny thing is though Myles, you can’t even attract women your own age.
Involuntary celibate Bonnar continued; “Hitchens, who was 34 at the time, took me aside to explain why I needed to be less selective. He told me; doesn’t matter even if she’s underage, it’s not illegal to stop someone. That was a good target.” Firstly, this is totally out of context, at no point in this quote did Eddie say to approach anyone underage as was implied by Bonnar! Myles was chickening out of doing approaches, hence why Eddie took him aside and told him to be less “selective,” your excuses and social anxiety were the cause Myles, not Eddie! Hitchens didn’t tell you to approach kids ever – that’s in your head Myles, you seem to protest a little too much here. Eddie has never been linked to anything to do with anyone “underage,” this is a disgusting allegation; made by a beady-eyed coward in the feminised form of Myles Bonnar.
Twisted Facts About LMR, Defaming Richard Hood And George Massey
Social misfit Myles stated; “Day two of boot camp. We listened to coach George Massey’s lesson on LMR, stands for last minute resistance to sex. Regarded as a women’s token attempt to reject sex – an obstacle to be overcome.” In reality no coach ever used terms “reject sex” or “obstacle to overcome,” these just further highlight Bonnar’s incompetency in actually understanding the context. As well as expose him flat out lying to sell his flop-umentary and Bonnar’s own seemingly subliminal stupid tendencies. The context “LMR” is explained in is when a women is playfully playing cat and mouse for the thrill after giving full consent, it’s a role play situation, nothing is ever forced!
Bonnar continued; “Massey explained: you have to be the one to take the lead. The whole vibe is you take responsibility for it. Yeah, I know, I am just an animal I couldn’t resist.” Myles doesn’t get it and leaves out the role play aspect of it (both parties are in on it – not just the guy). Massey is a published author in the field of seduction, we’ve read his book – it’s probably the most “politically correct” seduction book from the community, that benefits both men and women. Nowhere in George’s book is there any forced sex or connotations of rape, in fact it is a deep reflective account that includes women just as much as men, it is a good read for both genders. Massey explains “LMR” in a context of not making females feel cheap, guilty, slutty or undermined in any way!
Devious Bonnar continued; “In one of his videos Hitchens stated you should carry on escalating if a girl says you are going too fast. Hitchens goes onto say: if she says we’ll have sex next time you can reply with: why waste time? It’s arrogant to assume there will be a next time.” Bonnar twists Eddie’s words out of context again. We’ve seen the video Myles is referring to and Eddie stated in a “consensual situation,” also that “you should let the girl explore your home and always give her the option to leave, she should come to you willingly.” Also Eddie is being selective, he has options, he is being 100% truthful – it is actually arrogant to assume there will be a “next time.” It may be a one time situation or both parties may decide to move on. He’s letting the girl decide. There is nothing sinister about this.
Bonnar continued; “Dr Rachael O’Neill explained: idea with LMR that women put up certain amount of token resistance prior to sex, this is under seduction logic what women to do safeguard reputation…really worrying that this creates a situation in which a no can never be heard as no.” This is absolute rubbish, again from an under-qualified quack with no real substance to her argument. Addy and Street Attraction have both said in videos “no means no, we don’t advocate rape.”
We have a quote from Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame’s video about LMR on YouTube, Addy said “we do not condone rape, never force yourself on anyone, hold yourself in high regard and allow space for women to come to you. If she leaves so be it, no means no, move onto someone who’s into you, don’t waste your time on time wasters.” The video shows Ahmed saying, “we do not condone rape culture or forcing anyone sexually or otherwise.” Ahmed actually refers to “last minute resistance” as “making women comfortable and creating the right mood for adult relations because too many guys either don’t know what to do or are too thirsty to get laid and forget to have fun.”
Bonnar continued; “Richard Hood. Massey called him the king of LMR, Hood sounded more like a high-pressure salesman than someone genuinely interested in what women might want.” This again is opinionated rubbish from Bonnar. Massey introduced Richard as the “king of LMR,” to highlight his skills at role play and high level of charisma. It is documented on video that Richard knows what women want and they react to him accordingly, at times even pursuing him! Richard exudes the kind of calm equanimity that comes from the absence of irrational or extreme emotions. This is not the loss of feelings, just the loss of the harmful, unhelpful kind, This is a skill Richard has cultivated – freedom from disturbance and perturbation – to focus energy exclusively on solving problems rather than reacting to them. Bonnar is the complete opposite of this, he doesn’t get it, so labels Richard “high-pressure salesman.” This is evident at the end of sexual / social reject Myles flop-umentary, when Richard charms the cretin with open arms and warm smiles and Myles shuffles away like an awkward, sexually frustrated incel.

Reject Myles went onto misquote Hood out of context; “when you get to the apartment tell her to take off her shoes as soon as you walk through your front door – you start taking your shoes off, it’s basically the first part of the escalation. Some girls can be annoying. If they are in their shoes and jacket they’ll be like that’s enough for tonight…leave the rest for next time…that’s frustrating.” OK Myles, firstly – the man has high standards in hygiene and takes pride in his home. If you go to someone’s home and don’t want to take your shoes off, you leave – that’s their first opportunity to leave! Secondly in a seductive setting where both parties have agreed to be there, comfort is required. No one wants to get intimate with heavy coats and shoes on, the females wouldn’t be comfortable so of course they would want to “leave” (hence if they want to stay they would get comfortable). Thirdly Richard says it’s “frustrating” when sex doesn’t happen, meaning he doesn’t force anyone, if the female leaves she is free to do so. What’s the issue here Myles?! Again your article / documentary does not offer an alternative, because you don’t have one, you friend-zone sexless loser!
Bonnar continued;” he told us men can be too preoccupied with consent: sometimes guys are a bit too shy or scared to keep pushing forward because they want so much consent…like a written permission slip, it’s okay that we go all the way. It’s nuance, you have to feel out the right moment and sometimes it’s your job to push things forward and lead.” Myles little tinker must have been pulsating while insinuating the horrible fake accusation of forced sex towards Richard. It was edited so out of context it’s ridiculous! We’ve seen Richard’s videos on LMR and can tell you the full context. Richard saying “so much consent” refers to killing the mood, in the context that you have consent (both parties are willing) and you don’t have to ask at every stroke during sex, a simple “no” from the female is enough. One “No” and everything stops, Richard is on record saying this! Ask a girl for a “written permission slip” Myles, see what happens, she can still change her mind. Richard said, “feel out the right moment,” referring to the moment of full consent! Then, only then, does he say to “push forward and lead,” Myles your accusations are disgusting.
This whole flop-umentary was an excuse for Myles to hang-out with females, as he doesn’t know how to; from psychologists, to fake wolf-criers, to even a lawyer and furthermore a female PUA – Myles you desperado. Bonnar interviewed Kezia Noble, a female PUA – who teaches similar and at times identical things as Street Attraction and Addy Agame – she is also in direct competition for business. However Myles didn’t throw any negativity towards her, simply because she is female (he doesn’t want to be disliked by any girls as he must remain in the friend zone to remain with a chance to maybe have sex with them – which he denies). Kezia Noble explains she teaches the same thing as Eddie, Richard and Addy about LMR! When asked about “infield footage,” Kezia side-steps the questions by stating “I don’t do infields, I wouldn’t want to be filmed.” What Kezia failed to mention is she employs pick-up coaches Sam Overton and James Tusk – both of whom film tons of infield footage, both teach the same things as Street Attraction and Agame – and both Sam and James have collaborated / cross-promoted with Addy Agame and Street Attraction on YouTube. There is nothing wrong with what James Tusk and Sam Overton teach, it’s good advice – however it was sneaky and hypocritical of Kezia Noble not to give the full picture – or maybe girly-boy Bonnar left it out?!

Stalker Myles involved yet another woman (just to get some more female company), he stated: “I asked criminal barrister Kate Parker for her professional opinion on teaching men LMR and showed some of the coaches videos. She told me: I think it’s troubling, it’s encouraging men to bypass red flags that are put up by women that they should be sensitive, alert and responding to.” This is nonsense. Street Attraction promoted fully consensual sex and actually taught men to be “sensitive, alert and responding” to all red flags, both verbally and non-verbally! They stressed “no means no” and additionally taught “nuance non-verbal sub-communication” ie. facial expressions, body language, voice tonality, eye contact, etc. Following is a link to what Addy Agame’s criminal advocate Donna Armstrong stated about what the coaches did is not recognised as a crime under UK Law:
Additionally there has never been a “PUA” related sexual assault or rape conviction, ever! Also Myles did approach women off camera, he admits it in his flop-umentary. Technically he himself should be charged with “breach of the peace” in Scotland, the sneaky little midget.
Bonnar continued to quote Kate Parker; “from what I’ve seen, there doesn’t seem to be any sexual offences there, yet. But the more they teach these young men LMR, to ignore signs of consent, it’s closer to sexual offence territory.” This is bullsh*t, the only real thing in this statement is “no sexual offences,” there haven’t been any ever (in the 20-30 years the seduction community has been active!) There aren’t just “young men” being taught Kate, there are men of all ages who choose to learn including professionals in the medical and legal fields (to name a few). No one is being radicalised and no UK laws are being broken!
“Street Attraction had insisted they had done nothing wrong.” That’s because they haven’t, and that was the end of it – no police investigation, no court cases, no more media, no hate campaign – because in England people don’t care, their media are actually concerned with real issues. However in Scotland, the small minded backward inbred media made a circus of a non issue and are trying to influence a court of law to convict and what to convict for – this is madness and a disgrace to Scotland. It just shows how far behind England Scotland’s media actually are, the difference is astonishing! Street Attraction’s videos were more “controversial” than Addy Agame’s (both are innocent of any wrongdoing), yet Addy was remanded in custody and faced going to court, whereas globally no one else faces any legal action. This shouldn’t even be entered into a court of law, it’s a waste of tax payers money!
Reptilian swine Myles Bonnar then goes on to quote puppet face weirdo Sandy Brindley from Rape Crises Scotland. Why does this meddling nobody Sandy Brindley have to get involved?! There were no accusations of any incidents involving rape, why doesn’t this stupid publicity starved muppet go and help actual rape victims?! What does Sandy Brindley actually do?! She isn’t qualified to speak about this case, it is out with her pointless role – she would do anything to back her feminist man hating agenda.

Cowardly Myles spewed more quotes from Sandy Brindley; “wants the videos to be made illegal, she said: there’s questions about legality, about criminal behaviour, harassment, using images or audio without consent.” There is no questions about “legality” Sandy you cretin – it’s 100% legal under UK Law, hence why there is no “criminal behaviour,” you can moan from your fake moral high-ground all you like, but you cannot pass legislation, despite what your over-inflated ego tells you – you have no power, you’re a useless fool who’s life is ridiculously dedicated to destroying straight men because no one wants you! Slimy Sandy Brindley has viewed “pick-up” videos, none display any “harassment,” we urge readers to watch them on YouTube and see for yourself and no “images or audio” is pornographic or against the law, all participants are fully clothed Brindley you idiot!
Seedy Bonnar continued quoting hound-dog Sandy Brindley; “I have grave concerns about whether there is consent, to come across one of those videos and hear that audio – I think is an infringement on somebody’s human rights.” Well, Sandy, it’s not, it’s totally legal, all identities are concealed, the rancid news publications you speak to employ filming anyone and everyone without their consent and editing it out of context to fit their narrative of spinning a story any which way they like (with complete disregard for those people); if it is made “illegal,” it should be against the law for the wretched media also, it should apply to everyone! These shady media tactics are the real infringement coupled with the fanatical demonisation of men in general by idle feminazi fools like Sandy Brindley.
Punk Myles continued quoting Sandy Brindley; “I think some of these techniques come very, very close to rape, pick-up artists are doing men no favours recommending these.” Sandy you promote rape, pick-up artists don’t. You promote rape because it gives your pointless job purpose – let’s get one thing clear, rape is rape! Sex is sex! Rape and sex are 2 different things, they do not come close, rape is a disgusting crime Sandy, sex is a consensual experience between 2 adults, there are no blurred lines.
Well-respected London dating coach Eddie Hitchens from Street Attraction stated; “everything was completely consensual, we actually help men, we help prevent rape culture to help prevent them getting involved in anything illegal or non-consensual.” Despite this true and honourable statement from Mr Hitchens, the BBC Panorama program reporter and beta-male creep (Myles Bonnar) still selectively edited out of context quotes to demonise Hitchens and his colleague Richard Hood – in order to sway public opinion towards negativity.
Sandy what is “doing men no favours at all” is feminazi horror shows like you trying to feminise all men by cutting their balls off and making all women more masculine so that heifers like you have some sort of warped control over dating by attention-seeking, shaming and feeling more attractive. This is doing women no favours at all either!
Myles continued quoting mutant Sandy Brindley; “my advice would be this is not the approach to take you could end up facing serious consequences.” No one asked or wants your terrible crazy-person advice! Shut up Sandy, the only thing “truly repulsive” is your appearance, demeanour and existence! Addy Agame and Street Attraction didn’t humiliate, degrade or mistreat any women, they were set up like a play piece in the BBC’s game via one sided prejudicial videos by weasel rat Myles Bonnar and you joined in to get some of the tainted fame. Sandy do you actually help anyone or do you just chat nonsense in the press because you have an empty boring life?! There will be “consequences” for you Sandy, you and your organisation will be sued for the minute funding you have (if any at all). How about you change yourself Sandy instead of talking trash about men to mask your insecurities. Here’s more about Sandy:
Bonnar’s Cowardly, Sneaky Ambush Labelled As “Confrontation”
Compulsive falsifier Bonnar continued his social justice act (disguising his motives of career advancement) by stating; “5 months after boot camp I was back in London – as a BBC journalist to challenge the coaches I had met.” You creepy little coward Myles – you stalked, secretly filmed, lied, misquoted (out of context) – then went to “challenge” Street Attraction. A challenge is one man against another; how about you pull your skirt up, put some gloves on and get in the ring with Eddie, Addy or Richard – if you really want a “confrontation or challenge.”
Manipulator Bonnar continued; “after weeks of refusing to engage with me, I found Eddie Hitchens coaching another group of men. I asked why he pressured women into having sex. He was outraged.” Wow Myles – you stalked a man who didn’t want to speak to a lying fool like you, then snuck up on him with a camera crew while he was working (helping other men). Eddie did look angry, but kept a dignified manner intact. Myles was only brave because it was being filmed, the little Scottish hick doesn’t have the backbone to step up by himself man to man. Eddie was right to be angry at Bonnar as he was making up accusations out of thin air. No females have ever accused Hitchens of ever “pressuring” them into anything.
Beta-male Bonnar continued to quote Eddie; “he said: that’s completely wrong. You have twisted it completely out of context…it’s an art. It’s completely consensual. We actually help men…if anything we help prevent rape culture and help prevent them getting involved in anything illegal or non-consensual.” This is 100% true – Eddie has never been linked to anything “non-consensual” or “rape” ever! There are thousands of clients and hundreds of women who can back up what he said.
Two faced swine Bonnar continued; “Hitchens denied telling students they should approach teenagers, he said; not true, the thing I teach is exactly this. Find out how old the girl is before you do anything sexual / flirtatious…you are basically misrepresenting what we’re doing. It’s absolutely disgusting and we’ll see you in court.” Myles goes back to his seemingly sordid fantasies by using the word “teenagers” in an underage context. Eddie only told clients to pursue women over the age of consent, never anyone underage, again he has no history of this ever! Even in Myles’ flop-umentary Eddie said to find out age first. Eddie’s statement was again true. Street Attraction are responsible for helping hundreds of thousands of men. They taught self-development as well as dating, Bonnar chose to demonise them to advance his bummy no-go career. Bonnar and the BBC’s lawsuits are piling up as Ahmed’s appeal is in progress and he will also sue the dishonest organisation.
Fame-starved sex-weirdo Bonnar left out that Eddie also said; “I don’t pressure women into having sex, you’re trying to portray normal consensual sex as something else.” Bonnar filmed Street Attraction over a prolonged period of time and selectively edited certain quotes to fit his demonising narrative, just like he did to Addy in January 2019 in his vile BBC Social justice / racial hate video! You should show all the footage Myles, so people can see the truth, not the lies you choose to show. Any conversation can be edited selectively with a narrative added to make any said person look bad, it’s basic school-boy sh*t and people see through it Myles!
Feminised Bonnar continued; “Richard Hood denied teaching men to pressurise women into sex and said all the women were recorded with their consent.” Richard is correct in what he said he taught, ask his clients Myles, they are the people taking the piss out of you online. Also prove otherwise Myles, Richard is to be taken at his word. And even if someone was filmed on public property without consent, it is not illegal – the media do so on a daily basis!

Wimp Myles continued to quote Hood; “he told me: ‘we never film girls, we’ve had actresses.’ So you’ve done nothing wrong? ‘Correct.’ And you don’t think you’re breaking the law? ‘Of course not.’ After I spoke to Richard Hood, Street Attraction deleted the video I asked about.” Myles you liar, no videos were deleted by Street Attraction, that’s a fact, your full of crap you little dwarf. And once again, nothing illegal took place you fool!
Reptilian Bonnar left out how Richard totally owned him and sent him reeling during the ambush. Richard had bright eyes, a warm smile and open arms whilst talking to the pouting drama-queen Myles. Richard said to Bonnar; “I haven’t given you consent to film this,” to which Myles stuttered and mumbled saying, “It’s not the uh, same thing.” Yes it is you fool, it’s actually worse. Street Attraction protected the identities of anyone they may have filmed, you on the other hand Myles lie and demonised them in order to advance your failed career. Hood then said to Bonnar; “I love the BBC, I love you Myles, give me a hug,” to which Myles walked away bitched out and beaten like a child having a tantrum, sensing he was being taunted, ridiculed and mocked. Myles took the piss out of himself via his sexually frustrated incel demeanour, Richard just played it cool and laughed at the little simp!
Cuck Bonnar continued; “shortly before my documentary was to be broadcast, YouTube removed more than 100 videos posted by Street Attraction.” YouTube did so at yours and the BBC’s request you stink ball, this was not a random occurrence, it was due to BBC pressuring YouTube to do so. Bonnar said; “YouTube terminated the channels Addy Agame and Street Attraction,” there was no channel ever called “Addy Agame” this is the level of amateur journalism Bonnar displays!
Bonnar boasted; “BBC News’ investigation into global seduction industry was published and YouTube removed over a 100 videos for violating its rules on nudity and sexual conduct.” This so called investigation was a total prejudicial one sided propaganda attack – not an investigation, (by weasel reporter Myles Bonnar to advance his failed career).
YouTube removed videos because of pressure from the BBC, in order to avoid bad publicity, not because these videos violated any YouTube rules on nudity or sexual conduct. Thousands of these channels still exist and the dating businesses are still functioning. Ahmed’s DWLF channel had been down since January 2019 through his own direction, not because it was deleted. None of Addy Agame’s videos violated any YouTube policies! This is a tactical lie told by the BBC to try to defame Ahmed by associating him with Street Attraction and vice versa!

Gossip-queen Bonnar continued; “coach George Massey later told me he saw his role as helping people in the dating field. If he has ever said anything inappropriate to a man seeking support, he said, no one has ever told him. He said he gets letters of thanks from men who are now in healthy relationships.” This is a true statement from George that is backed up by his clients. The same applies to Eddie, Richard and Addy.
All 4 of these men taught other men to be self-confident, not in a delusional sense like Myles, instead for the purposes of accomplishing healthier relationships and sex-lives. They taught aiming low meant to accept mediocrity and aiming high meant a better life. Such confidence doesn’t come easy, they taught from experience and their truth. They taught that clients should not listen to what toxic creatures like Bonnar say (or what the negative mental conditioning they have unconsciously picked up says either) as it will result in them being beta-male losers like Myles.
They taught their clients to be open to possibilities / opportunities, gain experiences and to live in reality. Eddie displayed charm, cool headedness and leadership. Richard oozed wit, charisma and positivity. George exuded humility, compassion and light-heartedness. Addy manifested magnetic confidence, self-discipline and a relentless drive to improve through action and practice. Bonnar has none of these traits, he has nothing to offer except hatred, negativity and lies – he’ll always be a loser! If you can’t beat them, smear them, eh Myles (pathetic!).
Disgusting Liar Venus Barrett And Junky Sex-Pest Rita Bruce
Beedy eyed social justice racist Bonnar continued; “Ahmed’s trial concluded. Ahmed said approaches to women were harmless and he stopped as soon as he found out they were 17 or younger. The jury disagreed.” Race-hater Bonnar left out that during the trial that many women confirmed this also. Racially prejudiced Bonnar also left out that Ahmed told the court that no one thought any conversation was untoward or reported anything to the police until 2019 after (Myles’) the online viral smear campaign against him, which influenced and altered the accuser’s perception of a passing conversation into something that caused “discomfort” as the #MeToo pretenders put it.
Adnan Ahmed stood tall and told the truth on the stand whilst being cross-examined. The procurator fiscal tried to trip him up, but Ahmed could not be rattled; he was calm, collected and strong because he had committed no crimes – despite this the jury, who were bombarded with press defaming him (radio / TV / online / newspapers) on a daily basis, every day of the trial, unfairly found him guilty of incidents that are not even a crime under UK law. Ahmed’s legal team have appealed to the high court to overturn his wrongful conviction and unjust sentence. On the stand Addy could not be rattled – not by the press, not by the false accusations, not by a bias jury, not by a compromised / prejudiced cowardly judge, not by the prosecutor (from whom he was a notoriously difficult defendant to cross-examine, never rising to take the bait or defend himself, or get upset). Addy is a man’s man and has vowed to appeal the wrongful conviction and disgusting prejudiced (media catered) sentence – he was also adamant that he will sue the Scottish press.
Bonnar stared out Ahmed and the women there supporting him, in a pathetic attempt to look tough (he’s actually soft and can’t fight). Boy-girl Bonnar should stop staring out people (while hiding behind social justice protection) and act like an adult instead of a child. But Myles has no backbone / integrity to do so, he’s a passive-aggressive, drama queen, fairy; not a masculine man.
Man-child Myles Bonnar blabbered on; “Ahmed was found guilty at court for acting in a threatening and abusive manner that could cause a reasonable person fear or alarm.” In reality Ahmed was wrongfully convicted by a bias jury who were influenced by an online social media smear campaign and horrible selectively negative press reporting during every turn of his trial (by Myles and the Scottish Media scum). The press even reported incidents Ahmed was found “not guilty” of after the trial finished.
The toilet-paper fake news rags teamed up with guilty Myles to make up fake charges of “harassing girls.” Typical tabloid trash. Noone faced any charges of “harassing” anyone, they will sue the hounds at BBC Scotland News for targeting them with their lies and filth! If you observe clearly there is no “following” or “targeting” of women. They either stop to speak to Addy or they walk with him, both of their own free will. This is another predictable gas lighting tactic by feminazi scum-bags, they use words like “targeting” instead of “approaching” and “following” instead of “meeting.” Addy gave us the following statement in a recent interview; ” I don’t follow people, I talk to them standing stationary, I give myself a time constraint to put them at ease and allow myself to leave quickly if they are weird. I only ever walk with someone if I happen to be going in the same direction”
We are not going to quote idiot Myles Bonnar’s fake news account of a lying source telling a 4 time altered version of false allegations, instead we are going to quote what was actually said in court to show how the contradictory inconsistencies the accuser spoke about took place! The woman was asked in court why it took her 3 years to report this (in 2019) she told the court she didn’t feel there was a crime. The woman also told the court she had anxiety and mental health issues. She also said “I looked a lot better 3 years ago, I was thinner, I didn’t have tattoos on my face,” the court heard. It was reported; “she said the pair met in Buchanan Galleries and he told her she looked gorgeous and Italian.” This was not been proven in court and is not a recognised crime in Scotland!
The Scottish media then selectively stated; “the scared 18 year old walked away but was approached again an hour later outside an Argos store” This is inaccurate as the woman told the court it was over an hour later, she actually said after the initial approach in Buchanan Galleries she went shopping in various stores, called her grandmother for 45 minutes and headed to Argos in Stockwell street in Glasgow a further 35 minutes later approximately. It was then falsely stated; “he tried to pull me close to him so he could kiss me, so I pushed him away.” The media left out that it was pointed out to jurors that this recollection of events contradicted her police statement, in which she did not say she was “pulled close to him.” The witness responded by saying the police lied. The witness told the court “she did not make physical contact with the man.”
The court heard, in her police statement the man “touched her face and tried to kiss her,” when the woman was cross examined about this contradiction in court she said she didn’t say so at first as she didn’t want to interrupt the questioning (despite being asked numerous times) then claimed “the pull and face touch” took place. When the contradictory police statement and court statement was pointed out to the woman in front of the jurors, she sat down from a standing position in the witness box!
The media left out that the woman also said she was messaged by the man on social media, she told jurors this happened despite her giving a fake name to the man which was not linked to any of her social media accounts as she said she did not tell him any details of mutual friends. She also told the court the man wrote his details on a receipt during the initial meeting, but was still able to contact her despite not having any of her contact details and not even knowing her name! The media continued; “she walked away from him and stood with strangers to be somewhere safe.” The media failed to report that these alleged witnesses were not presented in court and that when the woman was asked if anyone saw this she said ”no” despite people being around her. That is two different accounts of contradictory statements given.
Here are another two given earlier in the year; reporters included in their articles quoting a false accusation that was reported to the media by Venus Barrett (who willingly revealed her identity to the press) against Adnan Ahmed. These false allegations are disgusting, Red Pill Rights cross-referenced statements regarding this matter from Adnan Ahmed, along with all eye witness statements from David Kasonga, against the accuser’s contradicting police statement and press statement.

In the articles, Venus Barrett states, “she was 18 when Ahmed approached her on Glasgow’s Buchanan Street 3 years ago.” She claimed that “he was making me uncomfortable and tried to kiss me.” Ahmed responded, “she gave me her number after a quick flirty interaction, we had a laugh, she gave her number afterwards.”
Eye witness David Kasonga confirmed this saying, “I remember this girl because I saw her on the news after the media scandal concerning Adnan Ahmed. She lied on the news, they appeared to be having a conversation and laughing, she gave him her number afterwards.”
Barrett told the press “he tried to touch my hand…. I was scared.” In her police statement she contradicts this saying “he touched my face when he attempted to kiss me.” We asked Adnan Ahmed, he responded “I did not touch her face.” Eyewitness David Kasonga also confirmed “I know for a fact he didn’t touch her face, the only physical contact was a handshake when they parted ways, she did not seem scared or distressed at all, she was smiling.”
Barrett also told the press “I asked him what he was doing and not to come close to me, I had to phone a taxi and ask a member of the public if I could stand next to them.” Ahmed responded, “upon seeing her, I asked her what she was up to, this was not the first time we’d met, she said she was waiting for a taxi home, this was during the day outside Argos superstore on Stockwell Street with lots of people around, she didn’t go stand with anyone, I left after she gave me her number. If she had asked me not to come close to her I would have left, there was no sign or words of discomfort or fear, she was cracking jokes and smiling.”
Barrett further contradicted herself in the press stating “I took his number,” in her police statement she said “he texted me.” How can this be, how can you take his number and he texts you first? He would have to take her number to text her first! She also said (in her police statement), “I knew about his channel 3 years ago.” In the press Barrett said “she did not contact the police because she was scared.” She then said referring to the viral BBC The Social video defaming Ahmed “I was disgusted. I couldn’t believe that finally something had surfaced on this guy.”
Ok, so Barrett said she was “scared” to go to the police, but not scared to go to various media outlets and national television news to make false claims. She went to the press before she went to the police, she only spoke to the police months after going to the press because the police contacted her about making a statement to them to build a case. She actually didn’t go to the police even after the media scandal, they had to track her down.
We asked Ahmed about this, he said “she’s lying, she wants the fame from this horrible ordeal, her police statements and media statements contradict each other. I have an eye witness. I remember she looked like Lady Gaga when I first met her briefly in 2016. When I saw the press stuff she looked much less attractive, she didn’t age well, she did say she was into drugs, maybe that’s why.”
Barrett also claimed to the press that Mr Ahmed contacted her on Snapchat, texted and called her before she blocked his number. However, she told the police “he found me and contacted me on Instagram,” not mentioning Snapchat. In order to contact someone on Snapchat you have to have the person’s phone number or snap code, so either she gave her number to Ahmed or he is psychic.
We asked Mr Ahmed about this and he responded “I never contacted her on Instagram, check my followers / following lists, we did message briefly on Snapchat in 2016, she even told me the guy she was seeing was in prison at the time for something, she didn’t come out for a date, so I stopped contacting her, there was nothing more to discuss if we weren’t meeting up. I have never forced this girl, ever, and I was never blocked. I just stopped messaging. I deleted Snapchat around 2 years ago and used Instagram as it began to gain more popularity and had more features whilst Snapchat became less popular.”
Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame was set-up by BBC The Social’s video which caused mass hysteria depicting him as a terrifying figure, where in reality he is a good man and a caring father. He was working in Criminal Justice and studying in his 3rd year at university. He is in a committed relationship with a woman he says he loves dearly. People like Venus Barrett saw an opportunity for fame and added to the horrible negative publicity with no concern about ruining an innocent man’s life.
The worst part is that the Scottish Justice System is designed in such a way that females who make false accusations face limited punishment for their lies, if any legal repercussions at all. This is not justice, when did the media become more powerful that the law, this is a disgraceful miscarriage of justice.
Weasel rat Myles Bonnar continued; “while the case was going on, Rita (Bruce) was at court to support the women.” This is a total lie. Drug-addicted feminazi Rita Bruce only attended the first day of Ahmed’s trial during which the jury was selected. She was not there during the actual trial (10 days) to support anyone, she only turned up for Ahmed’s sentencing hearing. Myles does what he always does, makes up lies to support his bullsh*t narrative.

Bum journo Bonnar continued; “she was the woman who had blown the whistle on Ahmed, it was her call to BBC that set me off investigating Agame. Rita had thought she knew Addy.” Rita does not know Addy, she was infatuated with him and he rejected her drug-induced fantasy world advances! Addy told his beautiful girlfriend in October 2018; “I feel sorry for her, she’s a sad old lady with drug and alcohol problems, but she creeps me out and keeps touching me inappropriately, she even made racist comments towards me, she’s definitely got mental health issues.” Delusional creep Rita Bruce couldn’t stand that Ahmed had an active sex life and didn’t want her, so she went on a crusade to destroy him. The police and press ignored her, however like attracts like, and little cuck-boy bum Myles ran with the bullsh*t. Here’s an idea, since Myles and Rita don’t have any luck with the opposite sex, they should get together; 2 sad sex-pest troll weirdos living miserably ever after. Rita Bonnar or Myles Bruce, either way it’s sickening, it’s the best either loser can ever do!
Sick Myles continued; “they were both students at college in Glasgow, studying social work. They lived in the Glasgow area, they shared a car pool to class. That was until Ahmed missed a day of college, one of Rita’s classmates showed exactly what Addy got up to in his spare time.” F.S Myles, so many exaggerated lies! Firstly the college was in Fife, not Glasgow you fool! Secondly alcoholic lizard Rita Bruce has changed this story numerous times in the press.
Thirdly and most importantly, Ahmed hadn’t “missed a day of college,” he told Rita and the other 2 ladies in the “car pool,” (not Rita’s car, the OAP doesn’t even have a licence) he no longer wanted to travel with them because he wasn’t comfortable travelling with them, this was in October 2018. Ahmed also told his girlfriend and mother about druggy hag Rita Bruce sexually assaulting him and racially abusing him – and that being the reason he stopped travelling with the “car-pool.” Addy’s girlfriend and mother both confirmed this. Addy saw Rita Bruce many times after this in class and at an exam in December 2018, nothing was said.
No “classmate” showed rancid Rita “what Ahmed got up to in his spare time,” (actually it was a business, college was a side thing / 2 days per week), in fact Rita stalked Ahmed online, found his Instagram and YouTube in October 2018 after he stopped travelling with her because of her sexual offending against him – then she planned to get revenge on him for knocking back her perverted advances!
Self-confessed alcoholic and Valium addict “Rita Bruce,” sexually assaulted Addy numerous times as well as racially abused him on an occasion. Ahmed reported this to the police and nothing was done about it, again this is on record! Mental Myles goes onto quote his mentally ill, drug-addicted unreliable source Rita Bruce stating; “Bruce says seeing Ahmed’s Instagram led her to his videos.” Ahmed didn’t give swine Rita Bruce his Instagram, she stalked him online. Bonnar continued to quote sad cat-lady Rita Bruce; “I felt physically sick, she says he’s got guys in the background filming him approaching women and young girls, it’s seedy, it’s underhanded.” This is under a picture of 58-year-old sex-pest Rita Bruce, which would make anyone “physically sick,” Rita looks like Jo Brand’s ugly sister or Jo Brand after she’s been dead for a week.
The “filming” leather-faced druggy Rita Bruce describes is totally legal, the “young girls” are over legal age of consensual sex! What is “underhanded and seedy” is Rita Bruce sexually assaulting Addy, then setting him up after he rejected her creepy advances! Bonnar continued to quote horror-show Rita Bruce; “this isn’t just picking up women, this is darker, I thought – I need to tell some authority, I phoned the police.” Shut your sad lonely spinster mouth Rita, you were jealous he had other women and it was “just picking up women!” You also called BBC Social and Fife college and various radio stations as well as numerous news outlets you horrible old hag!
Approval-seeking manipulator Myles continued; “Rita was shown a series of images with half-naked women from his Instagram account and YouTube channel. She said: I was kind of in floods of tears and thinking, what is this, is he a pimp or is this a prostitution ring?” You crazy old hag, you were in “kind of floods of tears” because you’re a jealous old woman who realised you could never be with Addy because he had options of physically attractive younger women. In these pictures all these women are smiling, “half-naked” or not, they are in the pictures consensual and knowingly. It wasn’t enough that racist Rita Bruce called Ahmed a “n*gger” in class, she further racially stereotypes a man (Addy) with dark skin as a “pimp” involved in a “prostitution ring” just because he has women hanging out with him taking pictures with him! The women in Addy’s pictures are his I.G followers also and they are tagged in these pictures, they even “liked” their pics with Addy on Instagram!
Social justice terrorist Bonnar continued; “this is the era of #MeToo. Women are fighting back against male harassment. Women like Rita Bruce are finally being listened to.” You’re doing that weirdo sucking up to crazy feminazi’s arses (in the hope they will like you) thing again Myles, it’s transparent and sick. It’s actually the era where bum journalists use false accusations with no substance to them to demonise innocent masculine heterosexual men. Rotter Rita was never “harassed” by any males Myles – no one wants her, no one ever will. Addy even stopping riding in a car with her because of her toxicity. She harasses men and they run from her! As far as idiot women like Rita being “listened to,” yeah, mentally ill junkies with sad lives, no talent / skills, no job, trolling online and hating men for being men being “listened to” is a societal problem that will destroy peace and harmony and only cause hatred and harm!
Media troll Bonnar continued; “Rita said: I’ve realised, you know, it’s a universal problem. I just want women and young girls to be aware that there are predatory men, in our colleges and workplaces.” Bullsh*t Rita you fool. In Russia and China the #MeToo movement doesn’t exist, these are 2 of the most progressive liberal nations in the world, it also doesn’t exist in Asia, The Middle East and Africa – it’s not a “universal problem,” #MeToo is a problem created by prejudiced crazy western white women with bratty incentives for power and attention-seeking! And how would you know it’s “universal” Rita, you’ve never been outside the village-life city of Glasgow – you can’t afford it, you live off benefits and student loans and you’re nearly 60!
The only thing “predatory” is white privilege racist idiots like you who claim fame through complaining, moaning, lying, stalking, sexually assaulting, racially abusing, shaming, blaming and demonising men. Rita your actions resemble that of a sex offender and one day you will be caught. You don’t represent “women and young girls,” Rita you hound, you’re an old mentally ill spinster with no sex-life and you want everyone else to be sexless also. Don’t talk about “work places” Rita, you don’t work, you’re unemployed, you’re an online troll and a crazy cat lady, how about you get a job and actually contribute to society or go help women in actual need (in the third world), instead of complaining about men just because they don’t want you! The fact of the matter is; even through this insane ordeal Addy has had to endure, he is still in tact and solid as ever. He’s in a loving relationship, and his girlfriend and the women in his corner back him 100%. And you Rita are still a lonely loser, crazy cat lady, drug addict that no man will ever approach – you’ll die lonely, sad and angry!
Red Pill Rights tracked down Mrs Ahmed, Adnan Ahmed’s mother and got the following statement from her, “I love my son, he’s an innocent man, he has been remanded because of a media witch-hunt created by a journalist called Myles Bonnar from BBC The Social. This Myles fellow is an angry racist white man, he didn’t like the colour of my son’s skin in my opinion, especially in regards to my son speaking to white women. It’s 2019, there is no place for this type of racism and white supremacy. Myles Bonnar comes across as a shameless racist. He attacked my son’s character because he is jealous, Myles strikes me as the unlucky with women type. I feel he didn’t like the fact my son Adnan is an ethnic minority running a dating business with predominantly black staff, teaching white clients how to meet women.”
Ahmed’s mother also said, “Adnan loves women. We have a great relationship, he’s a responsible outgoing upstanding man. He is innocent, he should not be held in custody, he should have been bailed and allowed to help people in the community like he was doing. The Scottish Justice System is shameful and unjust. I know my son is in there because of the media, the charges against him are false, he has witnesses, proof and an alibi. Even though the false allegations are not of a serious nature he is still remanded, people who have committed robberies, assaults and even rape and murder are given bail. Adnan’s charges are nowhere near this level. Adnan has a loving relationship with his 25 year old fiance and his 11 year old daughter – our family consists mostly of women, we all love him and support him. His fiance and I visit him on a daily basis.”
Check out the 4 part series for the truth behind the media scandal;
EPISODE 1- ”Mainstream Media Demonisation Of Addy Agame”
Street Attraction & Addy Agame vs The BBC & Myles Bonnar (part 1 of 5)
EPISODE 2 – ”The BBC’s Manipulation / Defamation Of Street Attraction”
Street Attraction & Addy Agame vs The BBC & Myles Bonnar (part 2 of 5).
EPISODE 3 – ”Infield Videos & False Allegations”
Street Attraction & Addy Agame vs The BBC & Myles Bonnar (part 3 of 5).
EPISODE 4 – ”History, Society, Politics & Feminazis”
Street Attraction & Addy Agame vs The BBC & Myles Bonnar (part 4 of 5).
EPISODE 5 – ”Addy Agame Proven Innocent And Acquitted Of All Charges”
Street Attraction & Addy Agame vs The BBC & Myles Bonnar (part 5 of 5).
Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame Wins Appeal To Overturn Wrongful Conviction / Sentence Due To Miscarriage Of Justice And No Actual Crime To Answer To!
Reasons For Appeal;
- The trial judge caused a miscarriage of justice via his bias and discriminatory misconduct, especially when he elected to cross examine the accused at the end of the defence’s case
- The judge erred in repelling the ‘no case (crime) to answer submissions‘ made under Scottish law for all the charges the accused was wrongfully convicted of, causing a miscarriage of justice
- It was impossible for the accused to receive a fair trial based on the manner the police sought out complainers
- It was impossible for the accused to receive a fair trial because the Scottish press influenced the jury / public negatively both before and during the trial, causing a miscarriage of justice
- It was impossible for the accused to receive a fair trial because the social worker initially allocated and the trial judge were influenced by press propaganda during the trial causing a miscarriage of justice
- The social workers report was prejudicial and relied on opinion from the press rather than impartiality from a professional standpoint
- The was NO sexual element / aggravation / motivation – the accused was running a dating business for a monetary purpose not for sexual gratification
- There was NO actual sexual offence committed and NO actual sexual convictions, hence notification requirements were the wrong outcome, causing a miscarriage of justice
Scotland is in an extremely regressive, backwards, violent and ugly era of criminal justice. Legal precedents and crazy laws are being made up on the spot without political clearance. How can a sheriff / judge justify wrongfully convicting a man of something that is not a crime by simply labelling it ‘breach of the peace’ or ‘threatening / abusive behaviour.’ Even so, none of the convictions were sexual offences, putting a person on the sex offenders register for 10 years despite that person not even being convicted of a sexual offence is a disgrace! Simply stating there may have been that motivation is a farcical miscarriage of justice and total lunacy – Sheriff Lindsay Wood was playing up to the press in order to be quoted so he could gain accolade and praise. He himself should face legal action for using a court of law in such a manner. Wood is a man who enabled the media’s prejudicial imperative by default in his legislative actions, judgement and ruling, reflexively and emotionally driven, without genuine judicial insight. Simply put the man is an incompetent imbecile.
The Scottish system is creating a whole new category of supposed ‘criminals,’ any straight male flirting with a female (over the legal consensual age) in a club / bar or coffee shop or mall can now be placed on the sex offenders register in Scotland; simply because he may have sexual intentions, not acted upon, simply and maybe ‘thought of’ is enough to be labelled a sex offender in Scotland. That would mean every person in Scotland is a sex offender, as all adults have had sexual thoughts at some point in their life. Therefor by Lindsay Wood’s own flawed logic, he himself would define himself as a sex offender if we apply Wood’s own reasoning to the matter as he displayed in the Adnan Ahmed miscarriage of justice court case.
We live in a hypocritical, dishonest, shaming, corrupt legal culture; yet are asked to obey the law – a law that can be changed in an instant depending on the judge’s mood / intentions to be quoted in the media for clout or him being pressured by outside influences. Lindsay Wood’s hands shook with nerves during the court proceedings due to the media presence at Ahmed’s show-trial. He made the rules up as he went along, using a case study from 2 days before Ahmed’s trial concluded to put him on the register despite his case being totally different, then Sheriff Wood went on a ‘politically correct’ idiotic rant to gain accolade via being quoted in the press. All this after he broke legal court protocol and cross-examined Ahmed like a prosecutor would, Ahmed’s legal team objected but the moron judge wouldn’t listen, he had his agenda set. How can anyone get a fair trial when at every turn and every legal position is filled with corruption. Granted that Glasgow Sheriff Court is a kangaroo-court, but it’s sceptical that any justice will be done in Scotland when the First Minister herself is a radical feminist and legal trends are following activism trends on social media. It’s a complete circus!
Sheriff Wood’s colleagues have described him as a media hungry attention-seeker, some are appalled by his behaviour during Ahmed’s trial, others are in total disbelief at his need for the limelight via his ignorant speech at the end of proceedings to appease the press. However, his own words and totally unprofessional misconduct led to Adnan Ahmed’s appeal being strengthened. Charges were being dropped because there was ‘no crime to answer to’ until the corrupt Sheriff was influenced by the play by play press coverage of the trial. Wood’s biased misconduct influenced the jury further, again causing a miscarriage of justice. Lindsay Wood’s stupid actions led to breaking a judge’s objective legal position and his moronic speech also made reference to issues that were not allowed to be discussed in court. All this just for press accolades?! Corrupt Wood set a legal precedent by putting a man convicted of NO sexual offences on the sex offenders’ register! Sheriff Lindsay Wood is a maniac and should be fired for his misconduct; he doesn’t serve justice; he serves himself and his ego-driven want for accolades – using innocent people’s lives and reputations as stepping stones for his corrupt crusade.
The heathens in the Scottish media stated; “Sheriff Lindsay Wood determined whether he should be put on the sex offenders register for his conviction.” This is total insanity and a miscarriage of justice – if someone hasn’t committed any sexual offences at all, no register should be required. Ahmed’s wrongful conviction was “section 38 breach of the peace.” The unethical hacks continued; “Sheriff Woods said: I invite parties to make submissions on whether there was a significant sexual element.” There was no sexual element, it was chatting! A Sheriff should not be influenced by other cases or the media, they have a duty to be impartial and to do the right thing by the law! The law should always overrule the media; however, it seems to be the opposite way around in Scotland. This insanity occurring means any man chatting up any woman in Scotland (whether it be during the day or in a nightclub) will be at risk of being put on the sex offenders register, even if no sexual offence has occurred!
Scottish culture is superficial, consumer orientated, radically feminist, alcohol / drugs infested and is devoid of meaning. Only a very small minority of people in Scotland see through this underlying culture of madness. Scotland is not much of a role model for free speech, free enterprise or for democracy. There is no democracy, they have toxic people in the media who influence the public without them even knowing it and psychologically sell messages to people in every subliminal way, that is the vermin who control votes and opinions.
The war on masculinity is a giant propaganda strategy to pretend that the past has no value, it’s a terrible step back for the culture in Scotland! Men are not the enemy; they too need to be empowered and not emasculated. We have a generation of little boys growing up confused and dysfunctional because of radical feminism – which is negative in essence (shaming, blaming, separatist, aggressive and fighting for superiority disguised as ‘equality’). In terms of overall culture, it has slid further down, it will eventually sink, destroying countless male and female lives in the process before it will begin climbing back up. Things being constituted now like the construction of new prisons, like the war on masculinity, legislation just being passed on the spot; will impact negatively for years to come. Scottish culture is in its infancy, yet it is thought by the media and the radicals that it’s the be-all and end-all of how to handle everything. It’s terribly infantile in those ways. The mistreatment of people with a different opinion or narrative is disgusting and discriminatory. Scotland doesn’t have balance, it’s all one-way traffic – that’s not freedom, it’s suffocating.
Scumbag reporters stated; “Ahmed’s behaviour, according to a social worker, was entrenched and it is clear he has no respect for women.” We at Red Pill Rights can exclusively reveal that the social worker who wrote the report for the court stating this stupid claim was immediately removed from Ahmed’s case for unprofessional conduct (i.e. making up statements from opinion that were heavily media influenced and not based on fact!). The social worker was sacked from Ahmed’s case immediately because her inaccurate media bias “entrenched” views were not based on reality, plus her language and conduct during Ahmed’s social work reports breached professional protocol. Ahmed made an official complaint to the relevant social work complaints department and is planning civil legal action against this social worker.
As far as the claim made by mentally unstable reporters stating, “clear he has no respect for women,” are people not to be respected for their character and actions, rather than for just having a vagina as a default for respect. Not all women deserve respect. Respect is earned by people for their characteristics, not because of their gender! This social worker belongs to a group of insecure women who are mad at men because inwardly they are mad at themselves for letting themselves down. Her self-loathing and victim mentality is disguised as empowered justice and women’s rights; which is used to hurt any and every man who doesn’t follow the ideal that all women should be worshipped regardless of them being aggressive, mean, criminal or even fat. All human beings have the choice of who they want to be with and who they find attractive. Trying to brainwash men into accepting mean women or big women as a sexual preference, even if they don’t want to is actual forced oppression.
The thing that is appalling about this case is it was a total miscarriage of justice that made it into a court of law in the first place because of media hype, in a country where laws can be made up on the spot in a court of law to suit media pressure. Scotland is a second-rate version of England; it always has been and always will be. Scotland’s press, legislation, courts, judges, social workers, women’s rights groups, politicians, government, prisons, police force; even its sports leagues are a 2nd rate flimsy replica of England – it’s like kids playing make-believe; winging it to be like the bigger, cooler kids. No one else in the world was prosecuted for simply flirting with women to teach dating like Addy was. Instead people ridiculed the Scottish press and legal system for doing so!
Again no one faced any legal repercussions whatsoever. They faced no criminal investigation or periods in custody because England practise freedom of speech and saw the reality of the videos being for teaching and business purposes. The same goes for the United States. Scotland on the other hand shows it’s backwards and aggressive feminist culture by actually hosting a criminal trial for men talking to women with romantic intentions, simply asking to exchange phone numbers. It is the first time this type of case has been brought into Scottish courts, which has baffled legal experts and it only took place because of media sensationalism!
The modern consumer lifestyle which gets pitched to us day and night through social media, tv, radio, movies and newspapers / press is not real or very deep. It’s a world of smoke and mirrors, of wanting and getting, buying and selling, always needing more and never having enough – because that’s what makes consumerism work and keeps people mentally enslaved. After someone experiences a sobering reality or tragedy at the hands of the media their outlook can change instantly, they can see life on a deeper level than before. They tend to think about the bigger things and not care so much about the latest smartphone or their social media popularity or fashion trends / sales. Life on the blatantly superficial level is too plastic and boring for people who have experienced the darkness and corruption of this culture / system.
In this culture people are not alert and good humoured, generous and compassionate, honest, courageous and open-minded. The journey to truth and justice is not about these fake ‘woke’ human rights people abuse, it’s about removing the layers of hatred, fear and fury that keep us from our better nature. Whether one is religious or not, it can be agreed Jesus was a good person who was not guilty of the crimes he was murdered for – was that fair, just and right? It’s the same old cycle with our culture, today it’s just disguised better! An immature culture is going to make mistakes in every direction, hurting everyone. The Scottish criminal justice system has nothing to do with the truth, only with winning or losing. The responsibility and corruption of the Scottish media is disgusting – badgering and humiliating the accused during a trial in order to influence the outcome should be a crime and should be banned.
The Scottish legal system thoroughly crushes any sane notion of justice under the weight of legal loopholes and strategies; locking those accused up in a brutal regime conceived in anger for the purpose of punishment (and not rehabilitation) even if they are innocent and no actual crime that breaks written laws took place, as in Addy Agame’s case. There is no moral or practical benefit from this system – crime soars, violence increases, prisons overflow – instead of looking honestly at the core of the problem and gaping holes in the legal system, radical feminist politicians like Nicola Sturgeon and her cronies shamelessly exploit people’s fears and anger by more ‘tough on crime’ posturing for the media. Things are not getting any better. The public are unconsciously making things worse because they stay lost in this commercialised , material, consumer, social media / media marketed cultural circus!
We have to question a criminal justice system , which is more criminal than just, and a corrections / prison system which not only fails to actively correct, but makes it almost impossible for correction to occur. Even though Addy was wrongfully convicted of minor offences (section 38, breach of the peace), he was sentenced excessively for something that is not even an actual crime in the first place, just because the Scottish media and a few prejudiced women’s groups pressured / influenced the judge to do so. He fought for justice and won his appeal in the high court and will now take civil legal action against everyone involved in this heinous corrupt miscarriage of justice.
In a hundred years; the accused and the accusers, the media and the lawyers / prosecutors, the judges and the juries will all be gone. The most relevant question will not be ‘what happened?’ But rather ‘what happened next?’ What did Addy do with his life after this despicable miscarriage of justice and blatant display of corruption? The answer will be, he fought for his truth and justice, never broke, stood tall and won in his response to the machine’s various systems of control! He won by fighting back despite our society moving backwards into infantile reactions to crime and justice issues and non-issues! The only thing that will create a better future is changing our attitudes as individuals because before systems can change, people must change!
The most important fact is justice was done and Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame won his appeal to overturn the wrongful convictions and sentence due to a miscarriage of justice and no actual crime to answer to!